The Easter Egg Dragnet Caper finally concludes, or does it? Will the Easter (aka “random passerby”) Bunny ever return? If she does, will she finally score a slice of carrot cake? For that matter, will Rudie even return? From the lack of feedback she gets, seems a coin-flip…
That aside, sorry ’bout the delay, never thought it would take this long to finish the page… Just was sort of a combination of computer and health glitches that slowed production down to a crawl… Next page, we’ll be back to Bunz & Katz’ continuity, though may take a bit longer to finish…
As our moderately muddled tale of Crime and Easter Eggs continues, Rudie seems to have sussed out the multiplying bunny conundrum… Never the less, the alleged Easter Bunny remains at large… Seems it will require a citywide Drag… er… Egg-hunt to capture her…
Page 2 of our Easter Dragnet Caper, as the Bunny situation gets more complexinger… (is that a word?) While Rudie seems no closer to solving the Mongoose egg conundrum… Does it really matter? Next time, Rudie delves into which Bunny may be the alleged Easter Bunny, or could it be all of them???
This year we’re getting an early start on our Rudie Easter special – Back when I first came up with Rudie, I thought it’d be fun for a cute reindeer to talk like Joe Friday of the Dragnet radio & TV show… (Well at least some of the time she does, when she tosses out a catch phrase or two)… It wasn’t till last year that I got to thinking that maybe I should try a full Dragnet type of script, a Police procedural with clipped, Jack Webb sort of dialog… Can’t say that I was entirely successful, after all it is a humor strip… Originally this story was two pages – two rather crowded pages… Later I relaid it out for three pages, but it was still too crowded… Eventually I expanded the script to four pages while adding a few more panels for the ending scuffle, which seems to work out reasonably well…
Next time, Rudie will delve into the dilemma of, is the Easter Bunny Villainess or Victim? And what about the Mongoose egg?? Things could get rather dicey for the hard boiled reindoe, in the episode we call, “Part 2″…
Der Fuhrer Follies: A long long time ago, maybe back in the 80s, I typed out a pastiche of Gilbert and Sullivan’s “A Policeman’s Lot,” from the “Pirates of Penzance”… (I may have intended to use it in, “Taffy & the Pirates” before that project went down the plug ‘ole)… In any case, it’d been long forgotten, til last year in an exchange on facebook (I think it was with Brian O’Connell) that I recalled the thing… I looked around to see if I could find the original – of course I couldn’t, So I rewrote the lyrics from a somewhat faulty memory, Walt later was a big help in working out the cod-German accent… And now here it is in B&K… I do sort’a wish that I’d spent more time in designing the choreography which could be a lot better, but I was trying to cram it all into a single page – We’ll see the rational for the song in the next B&K page as Katz’ deviously deranged plan unfolds… However, before that I need to finish inking the Rudie Easter story, also featuring a somewhat familiar bit-player Bunny…