Um… Before anyone sends an Officer around to knock on my door, I just want to point out that NO actual threats towards Mr. O’Brien have been made or should be implied! It’s all just a comix – Honest!!
That aside, it also occurred to me, that those who’ve never been to Hollywood, may not be aware of the infamous Hollywood Maps of the Stars – purporting to point out the homes of various TV & Movie personalities… These Maps are available here or there from various street corner vendors. I’ve been told that these maps are notoriously inaccurate (though I’ve never bought one to check) – then again, even if I had one, how would I know?
In any case, the Map, as B&K’s first major “Intelligence Coup” could potentially be a misdirecting guide to get them into a lot of trouble… or it could just be a pointless McGuffin that will soon be forgotten… Only time will tell…
Um… Before anyone sends an Officer around to knock on my door, I just want to point out that NO actual threats towards Mr. O’Brien have been made or should be implied! It’s all just a comix – Honest!!
That aside, it also occurred to me, that those who’ve never been to Hollywood, may not be aware of the infamous Hollywood Maps of the Stars – purporting to point out the homes of various TV & Movie personalities… These Maps are available here or there from various street corner vendors. I’ve been told that these maps are notoriously inaccurate (though I’ve never bought one to check) – then again, even if I had one, how would I know?
In any case, the Map, as B&K’s first major “Intelligence Coup” could potentially be a misdirecting guide to get them into a lot of trouble… or it could just be a pointless McGuffin that will soon be forgotten… Only time will tell…
The heck with Conan O’Brien, go get that irritating Lindsay Lohan!
My cat often looks like she is all head and tail. And sometimes like a puppet with cut strings. Never quite this shiny though…
Katz is sort’a the distilled essence of all cats – a Tail – an Attitude – and a Appetite!
I’m still waiting for Sailor Moon or some cosplay girls to show up. After all our invaders are looking for the earth’s defenders — sort of anyway.