If you didn’t understand the blurb on the Pix – What it comes down to: We’ve posted a Special 5 page Halloweeny story, but the way Comicpress works, that means when checking the site, you’ll see the most recent page posted – that is the last page first – hence you need to click back Five pages to read the story continuity (such as it is)…
Funny what the eye is drawn to. This is the first time I have caught a glimpse of whatever the bracket thingie is that holds those ears/antenna on Bunz’s head. Now…(wait for it)… I wonder what keeps that “tail” in place? Why do I get the feeling that it’s one of life’s mysteries that man was not meant to know? Happy Halloweeny to you too dude.
What, you mean to tell me that it’s not a self-contained, micro-fusion powered, anti-gravity A.I. device that is DNA coded to hover not more than one centimeter above the end of Bunz’s tailbone while sending a constant stream of data concerning every particular of her functioning back to the mother ship? A pin? Darn. There you go, raining all over my sci-fantasy parade. Next you’ll tell me it’s just a metallic looking fanny-pack.
The destructive one-eyed robot (with rocket punch), somehow got me to remember the song about a “one-eyed flying purple people-eater”. The invasion fleet, in better days anyway, may have had an inventory of such robots at their command. What about those guys? Did they ever make repairs? Maybe we should lend them the computer experts that constructed the ObamaCare roll-out. What? Its too sensitive to make a joke about.
Please, NOT Obama’s web programers! Don’t Bunz & Katz (or the A.I.s) have enough problems already?!?
As for back on the Battle Station – In the earlier versions of the tale, our erstwhile antagonists did check in periodically (though they needed to be aboard their scout craft to do so)… With various rewrites and numerous additions, those sequences sort of got set aside… I do intend for them to report back in the future, just it will be a while before they get around to it… As far as I know, the A.I.s are still watching Anime and fretting over Giant Robot & Sailor Chix defenders and such – While repairs lag due to back ordered parts and other finicky details… Also, I think they may still be stewing over who needs to check on the Ravenous glow in the dark Ozzalakx or wondering where those Invisible Zombie Robots got misplaced to?
Ahh, yes… even Evil Scientists get into the spirit of the holiday… you notice instead of cheap, cavity-inducing candy, Bunz is passing out expensive, cavity-inducing bullets, RPGs and screw-tipped missiles… wotta heart that gal has, wotta heart…
Meanwhile, we’ve had a sort of a hiatus, due to the Halloweeny story, plus the new calendar over on CuteyBunny.com – for those of you Tea Party aficionados, you might wish to check it out…
Alice welcomes one and all to the Original Mad Tea Party – though those in Congress may be even Madder (In both senses of the word)… But now I’d better get back to work an’ get the next real story page finished…
If you didn’t understand the blurb on the Pix – What it comes down to: We’ve posted a Special 5 page Halloweeny story, but the way Comicpress works, that means when checking the site, you’ll see the most recent page posted – that is the last page first – hence you need to click back Five pages to read the story continuity (such as it is)…
Or: Click on this Link for a quick trip to page #1
So, off you go and NO Peeking at the pictures until you get to the first page now!
Funny what the eye is drawn to. This is the first time I have caught a glimpse of whatever the bracket thingie is that holds those ears/antenna on Bunz’s head. Now…(wait for it)… I wonder what keeps that “tail” in place? Why do I get the feeling that it’s one of life’s mysteries that man was not meant to know? Happy Halloweeny to you too dude.
Uh… It’s been there – showing just over her ears…
Can’t her tail just be pinned on? Oooo the Marvels of alien Tech!
What, you mean to tell me that it’s not a self-contained, micro-fusion powered, anti-gravity A.I. device that is DNA coded to hover not more than one centimeter above the end of Bunz’s tailbone while sending a constant stream of data concerning every particular of her functioning back to the mother ship? A pin? Darn. There you go, raining all over my sci-fantasy parade. Next you’ll tell me it’s just a metallic looking fanny-pack.
Um… Eh… It Could work like that… I’m No expert on alien Tech – I jus’ draw the pictures…
The destructive one-eyed robot (with rocket punch), somehow got me to remember the song about a “one-eyed flying purple people-eater”. The invasion fleet, in better days anyway, may have had an inventory of such robots at their command. What about those guys? Did they ever make repairs? Maybe we should lend them the computer experts that constructed the ObamaCare roll-out. What? Its too sensitive to make a joke about.
One-eyed,ONE-HORNED, flying purple people eater!
“I like Short – Shorts!”
Please, NOT Obama’s web programers! Don’t Bunz & Katz (or the A.I.s) have enough problems already?!?
As for back on the Battle Station – In the earlier versions of the tale, our erstwhile antagonists did check in periodically (though they needed to be aboard their scout craft to do so)… With various rewrites and numerous additions, those sequences sort of got set aside… I do intend for them to report back in the future, just it will be a while before they get around to it… As far as I know, the A.I.s are still watching Anime and fretting over Giant Robot & Sailor Chix defenders and such – While repairs lag due to back ordered parts and other finicky details… Also, I think they may still be stewing over who needs to check on the Ravenous glow in the dark Ozzalakx or wondering where those Invisible Zombie Robots got misplaced to?

Very clever – love the way the various web comics celebrate Halloween!
Ahh, yes… even Evil Scientists get into the spirit of the holiday… you notice instead of cheap, cavity-inducing candy, Bunz is passing out expensive, cavity-inducing bullets, RPGs and screw-tipped missiles… wotta heart that gal has, wotta heart…
Meanwhile, we’ve had a sort of a hiatus, due to the Halloweeny story, plus the new calendar over on CuteyBunny.com – for those of you Tea Party aficionados, you might wish to check it out…
Alice welcomes one and all to the Original Mad Tea Party – though those in Congress may be even Madder (In both senses of the word)… But now I’d better get back to work an’ get the next real story page finished…
Inspired Lunacy!