In case you’re wondering: “Why the Pencils?” On the Halloweeny Pin-up page, ol’ Kansas Bill inquired about the A.I.s back on the Battle Station and what they were up to… It reminded me that in the earlier versions of the story Bunz & Katz reported in now and then (to the mutual befuddlement on both ends)… This also got me to thinking about perhaps another Update on our previous recap page to kind of remind readers about where the story was at before the Halloweeny bit kicked in – and as I had all these old sketches of Bunz checking in, I figured I could cobble together a quick fill in page using them…
So Y’see, it does make some sort of sense… Um, doesn’t it??
PSSSST! JOSH. LOOK, KEEP THIS BETWEEN YOU AND ME BUT… (Bunz is wearing a sailor fuku over a unitard. She’s from a space ship which is part of a fleet. She IS a “sailor chick.”)
To paraphrase Pogo; she has met the enemy and they is her!
No thanks necessary for these little brilliant flashes of insight. Glad to help out. ;->
Um, well – kind’a, sort’a, maybe… is that definitive enough for you? You might say that she’s a ersatz Sailor Bunny anyway… I’m just guessing you understand, as I wasn’t there – But I ‘spose the general idea was: the A.I.s wanted their emissary to resemble the most fearsome of Earth’s defenders – they didn’t actually want to fight one!
Ah! So desu! Actually I am indulging an internet vice called “annoy the creative and talented guy who does all the hard work and lays it out here for me to enjoy and kibitz on for free.” I promise to assume the front leaning rest position and do push-ups until I die to atone.
Ah so, is not true… many peoples are reading this page, but are being stunned into silence by its transcendent loveliness and profound philosophical truths. Is so!
In case you’re wondering: “Why the Pencils?” On the Halloweeny Pin-up page, ol’ Kansas Bill inquired about the A.I.s back on the Battle Station and what they were up to… It reminded me that in the earlier versions of the story Bunz & Katz reported in now and then (to the mutual befuddlement on both ends)… This also got me to thinking about perhaps another Update on our previous recap page to kind of remind readers about where the story was at before the Halloweeny bit kicked in – and as I had all these old sketches of Bunz checking in, I figured I could cobble together a quick fill in page using them…
So Y’see, it does make some sort of sense… Um, doesn’t it??
PSSSST! JOSH. LOOK, KEEP THIS BETWEEN YOU AND ME BUT… (Bunz is wearing a sailor fuku over a unitard. She’s from a space ship which is part of a fleet. She IS a “sailor chick.”)
To paraphrase Pogo; she has met the enemy and they is her!
No thanks necessary for these little brilliant flashes of insight. Glad to help out. ;->
Um, well – kind’a, sort’a, maybe… is that definitive enough for you? You might say that she’s a ersatz Sailor Bunny anyway… I’m just guessing you understand, as I wasn’t there – But I ‘spose the general idea was: the A.I.s wanted their emissary to resemble the most fearsome of Earth’s defenders – they didn’t actually want to fight one!
Ah! So desu! Actually I am indulging an internet vice called “annoy the creative and talented guy who does all the hard work and lays it out here for me to enjoy and kibitz on for free.” I promise to assume the front leaning rest position and do push-ups until I die to atone.
You’re not annoying me… I think maybe you’re the only one who actually read this page…
Ah so, is not true… many peoples are reading this page, but are being stunned into silence by its transcendent loveliness and profound philosophical truths. Is so!
DoubleW is absolutely correct.
I like computer consoles that are designed for FLBP users. Or designed to Watch Future Lower Back Pain users uh, Use them. What was my point again?