My apologies for the extended delay since posting the previous page… Y’see, I sort’a got involved in a different sort of comix project – of which, perhaps the less said about, the better – and I seem to have spent rather too much time futsing around with that, rather than on inking this current page…
Now I also need to start thinking about a Calendar idea for May – and other than recycling some old Bronco Bunny pix, or a somewhat pointless Noah’s Ark gag, I haven’t really come up with much… I’m open for suggestions, should anyone have an idea…
While: Next time, our wayward non-heroes will be encountering the Hot Dawg Stand of Doom!! (Cue ominous music) Oooo Scary!!
Oh no. I already got my suggestion in and what did it get me? It got me one SMOKIN HOT Cutey Bunny pic that’s what. (still visible on this very comic site a few pages up the line in the comments section) Now it’s somebody else’s turn. Come forth with the suggestions folks ’cause Josh he aint just whistling Dixie.
Hot dog stand of doom? When did she go to New York? (ba-dum pish!)
NY? So uh… did you have a bad experience with a Nathan’s Doggie? Did it bark on the way out?
For anyone in LA area, I’d recommend Pink’s Hot Dogs – except that you may starve to death while waiting in line to order… So in instead, try Big Tomy’s (Not regular Tommy’s who have a cruddier grade of chili) at Big Tomy’s they used to serve their chili dogs with a huge slice of beefsteak tomato on top… Well, they don’t do that any more, but it’s still a good chili dog… or was anyway, last time I ate one… (It’s been a few years)…
Presenting: In lieu of actual comix entertainment – Hot Dog Talk!
I wonder if Bunz might have a special gift in mind for her super intelligent superiors. She could perhaps obtain Windows 8 for the boss. Or would that really be the best and brightest of moves?
Dunno… I don’t use Windows much any more… but my Favorite version was NT4 (or 2000, which was more or less a beefed up NT4) Considering what the users seem to want, which seems to be XP – perhaps the Lords of Redmond should just clean it up some, put on some new chrome mudguards and reissue the thing as “XP – the Next Generation!”
Yes, if you’re bored with the Comix – tune in for more Windowz Talk!!
Uh… Since the USSR went down the Plug ‘Ole – Does anyone celebrate May Day any more? North Korea maybe? Come to think of it, I can’t recall Uncle Joe ever appearing in any of the calendars… But then, how many people would really want to see him in a swim suit??
For those of you who may be wondering what we’re talkin’ about – Uncle Joe’s Commie Strip (tellink Bad Time Stories for da leedle kidskis) ran in a couple of different mags at different times – he even costarred in a comix with Cutey Bunny… (available in all your favorite remainder bins)
Unka Joe! Unka Joe! Unka Joe! Maybe he can tell another story to a certain chocolaty naif about how he has no further territorial ambitions in Eastern Europe.
Bunz sees Dirt’s last stand approaching. Katz seems tuned into something different. In any event Sailor Moxie should have more of a run in with Bunz than with the poor store manager’s diversion situation.
Reprinted here – by nobody’s request in particular – from 1990 – Say, can all you Komradskis read the Leedle type?? (if not, right click and open it in a new window where it’s displayed larger)
Craftily using his puppets of famous world despots – er… leaders of the day, Uncle Joe explains why, “Niceness is badder than gettink hit on the head with a board”…
Okay – everyone together, lets all sing the Perestroika song – a One an’a Two…
(sung to: Frere Jacques)
Perestroika – Perestroika…
How’s by you? How’s by you?
We are now disarmink – courteous an’ charmink…
Vy nyet you? Vy nyet yooou??
Perestroika – Perestroika…
We smile for you… Big grin too!
We have got new motto – “No more gettink shotto!”
We’re nice too… We’re nice toooo!
Ah, Good Ol’ Uncle Joe… maybe he wouldn’t be so impressive in a swimsuit, but his charming HenchElves, Heidi and Etsuko, certainly can fill a Bikini… two of them, even…
About 4.5 billion years ago, a Mars sized object struck the earth. 90% of the mass stayed on the earth, the rest ultimately became the moon. Over time, a good bit of the heavy core of the Mars sized object probably salted the earth’s surface with U and Th isotopes. That is why its not all in the core, where it ordinarily would have sunk to. Where Bunz and Katz come from, is there a sizable moon, like ours? U and Th may be harder to get on their planet.
Well sure. Everybody knows that… But did you know that good ‘ole Ioseb (before he started calling himself Stalin) used to write poetry when he was a young man?
“The pinkish bud has opened,
Rushing to the pale-blue violet
And, stirred by a light breeze,
The Lilly of the Valley has bent over the grass.”
Translated sample courtesy Wiki. True dish! So why couldn’t he write a song about Perestroika? Doubt if he’d set it to the tune of “Brother John” but I tried singing it to the Song of the Volga Boatmen and it didn’t work so well.
So good to see Unka Joe again. Perhaps to calm Bunz down he could read some of his more romantic selections to her. Iz beink goot for relaxzink testy alien gurl.
(above comment begins with a riff on Geico TV adds and is not intended to kick dirt on Bill ‘O Kansas’ comment)
Speaking about little Russian cuties, has anyone seen the new Captain America movie (with its very topical theme — right from Ben Franklin himself — security balanced with freedom)? Natasha there is a cutie in her own class.
Well I finally went to see it the other day – It certainly is nonstop action with hardly a pause all the way through… (Which now seems the thing for Marvel Movies) Can I say “Marvel Movies” here? Or will Dizney want a royalty with every mention??
It’s not exactly up there with classic flix like “The Third Man”, but was more fun than “Harry Potter get’s a Zit”, and I imagine, Cap should stand up to several rewatchings… It also doesn’t insult your intelligence like so many of these slam bang movies… (Except maybe, How did Cap get the USB drive into the Candy Machine?)
The whole Hydra – Shield thing seems a major continuity slammer that will affect many other characters – especially those involved with the Avengers and I’ve heard, the Shield TV series as well (though I haven’t been watching that, I’ve been too busy catching up on Leave it to Beaver and McHale’s Navy reruns)… But Y’know, we don’t really need three massive Helicarriers to wreck havoc… In some ways, Hydra’s plan seems all too real and something that the US is capable of right now with our Drone program! All that seems required, is for a citizen’s name to be added to the Dog Meat list, an’ before they know it, they’re number one on the hit parade!!
By the way, anyone who hasn’t seen the Cap movie yet – be certain to sit through the credits till you see the “Cookie”… Then sit through the rest of the credits for the 2nd “Cookie”!! Though, if when you first come in, you sit on a cookie – that just means they didn’t sweep out the theater…
My apologies for the extended delay since posting the previous page… Y’see, I sort’a got involved in a different sort of comix project – of which, perhaps the less said about, the better – and I seem to have spent rather too much time futsing around with that, rather than on inking this current page…
Now I also need to start thinking about a Calendar idea for May – and other than recycling some old Bronco Bunny pix, or a somewhat pointless Noah’s Ark gag, I haven’t really come up with much… I’m open for suggestions, should anyone have an idea…
While: Next time, our wayward non-heroes will be encountering the Hot Dawg Stand of Doom!! (Cue ominous music) Oooo Scary!!
Oh no. I already got my suggestion in and what did it get me? It got me one SMOKIN HOT Cutey Bunny pic that’s what. (still visible on this very comic site a few pages up the line in the comments section) Now it’s somebody else’s turn. Come forth with the suggestions folks ’cause Josh he aint just whistling Dixie.
Hot dog stand of doom? When did she go to New York? (ba-dum pish!)
NY? So uh… did you have a bad experience with a Nathan’s Doggie? Did it bark on the way out?
For anyone in LA area, I’d recommend Pink’s Hot Dogs – except that you may starve to death while waiting in line to order… So in instead, try Big Tomy’s (Not regular Tommy’s who have a cruddier grade of chili) at Big Tomy’s they used to serve their chili dogs with a huge slice of beefsteak tomato on top… Well, they don’t do that any more, but it’s still a good chili dog… or was anyway, last time I ate one… (It’s been a few years)…
Presenting: In lieu of actual comix entertainment – Hot Dog Talk!
I wonder if Bunz might have a special gift in mind for her super intelligent superiors. She could perhaps obtain Windows 8 for the boss. Or would that really be the best and brightest of moves?
Dunno… I don’t use Windows much any more… but my Favorite version was NT4 (or 2000, which was more or less a beefed up NT4) Considering what the users seem to want, which seems to be XP – perhaps the Lords of Redmond should just clean it up some, put on some new chrome mudguards and reissue the thing as “XP – the Next Generation!”
Yes, if you’re bored with the Comix – tune in for more Windowz Talk!!
Lunch is always good. Also – for the May calender, don’t forget Uncle Joe! It’s May Day, remember!
Uh… Since the USSR went down the Plug ‘Ole – Does anyone celebrate May Day any more? North Korea maybe? Come to think of it, I can’t recall Uncle Joe ever appearing in any of the calendars… But then, how many people would really want to see him in a swim suit??
For those of you who may be wondering what we’re talkin’ about – Uncle Joe’s Commie Strip (tellink Bad Time Stories for da leedle kidskis) ran in a couple of different mags at different times – he even costarred in a comix with Cutey Bunny… (available in all your favorite remainder bins)
Unka Joe! Unka Joe! Unka Joe! Maybe he can tell another story to a certain chocolaty naif about how he has no further territorial ambitions in Eastern Europe.
Bunz sees Dirt’s last stand approaching. Katz seems tuned into something different. In any event Sailor Moxie should have more of a run in with Bunz than with the poor store manager’s diversion situation.
Reprinted here – by nobody’s request in particular – from 1990 – Say, can all you Komradskis read the Leedle type?? (if not, right click and open it in a new window where it’s displayed larger)
Craftily using his puppets of famous world despots – er… leaders of the day, Uncle Joe explains why, “Niceness is badder than gettink hit on the head with a board”…
Okay – everyone together, lets all sing the Perestroika song – a One an’a Two…
(sung to: Frere Jacques)
Perestroika – Perestroika…
How’s by you? How’s by you?
We are now disarmink – courteous an’ charmink…
Vy nyet you? Vy nyet yooou??
Perestroika – Perestroika…
We smile for you… Big grin too!
We have got new motto – “No more gettink shotto!”
We’re nice too… We’re nice toooo!
Ah, Good Ol’ Uncle Joe… maybe he wouldn’t be so impressive in a swimsuit, but his charming HenchElves, Heidi and Etsuko, certainly can fill a Bikini… two of them, even…
About 4.5 billion years ago, a Mars sized object struck the earth. 90% of the mass stayed on the earth, the rest ultimately became the moon. Over time, a good bit of the heavy core of the Mars sized object probably salted the earth’s surface with U and Th isotopes. That is why its not all in the core, where it ordinarily would have sunk to. Where Bunz and Katz come from, is there a sizable moon, like ours? U and Th may be harder to get on their planet.
Well sure. Everybody knows that… But did you know that good ‘ole Ioseb (before he started calling himself Stalin) used to write poetry when he was a young man?
“The pinkish bud has opened,
Rushing to the pale-blue violet
And, stirred by a light breeze,
The Lilly of the Valley has bent over the grass.”
Translated sample courtesy Wiki. True dish! So why couldn’t he write a song about Perestroika? Doubt if he’d set it to the tune of “Brother John” but I tried singing it to the Song of the Volga Boatmen and it didn’t work so well.
So good to see Unka Joe again. Perhaps to calm Bunz down he could read some of his more romantic selections to her. Iz beink goot for relaxzink testy alien gurl.
(above comment begins with a riff on Geico TV adds and is not intended to kick dirt on Bill ‘O Kansas’ comment)
Love those lil Russian cuteys and those cold russian nights..
Speaking about little Russian cuties, has anyone seen the new Captain America movie (with its very topical theme — right from Ben Franklin himself — security balanced with freedom)? Natasha there is a cutie in her own class.
Well I finally went to see it the other day – It certainly is nonstop action with hardly a pause all the way through… (Which now seems the thing for Marvel Movies) Can I say “Marvel Movies” here? Or will Dizney want a royalty with every mention??
It’s not exactly up there with classic flix like “The Third Man”, but was more fun than “Harry Potter get’s a Zit”, and I imagine, Cap should stand up to several rewatchings… It also doesn’t insult your intelligence like so many of these slam bang movies… (Except maybe, How did Cap get the USB drive into the Candy Machine?)
The whole Hydra – Shield thing seems a major continuity slammer that will affect many other characters – especially those involved with the Avengers and I’ve heard, the Shield TV series as well (though I haven’t been watching that, I’ve been too busy catching up on Leave it to Beaver and McHale’s Navy reruns)… But Y’know, we don’t really need three massive Helicarriers to wreck havoc… In some ways, Hydra’s plan seems all too real and something that the US is capable of right now with our Drone program! All that seems required, is for a citizen’s name to be added to the Dog Meat list, an’ before they know it, they’re number one on the hit parade!!
By the way, anyone who hasn’t seen the Cap movie yet – be certain to sit through the credits till you see the “Cookie”… Then sit through the rest of the credits for the 2nd “Cookie”!! Though, if when you first come in, you sit on a cookie – that just means they didn’t sweep out the theater…
Nice fourth wall breakage!