And now we present a Vital Message from… Eh, the guy with the Hamster Toupee…
Yes, all you true Americans out there – you know who you are – should be pleased to see that Bunz & Katz have finally found a job – Um… at least until they’re revealed to also be Illegal Aliens…
Oh come on! He does NOT have a hamster on his head. As if anybody would run for president with a hamster on his head. Anyone with a pair of eyes can see it’s a mutated long-haired gerbil. Sheesh. (You can tell by the way it sort of sits up and sniffs at the air when the wind blows.)
Just between me, you and a fencepost – the election of “The Donald” would probably be the biggest boon to comedian/comic fodder since Nixon…maybe Ford.
(That’s a “Bronco Buc” Double dubbya and dang if you don’t have good eyes.)
At least Trump doesn’t want to do like my dad does. My dad thinks there should be machine gun towers where the ranges overlap. And every border crosser be it man, woman, or child should be gunned down the moment they cross the border.
Hey, let’s not forget about Hillary’s very recently expressed interest in Area 51. A place where the spacecraft of Bunz and Katz might eventually wind up. Hillary as we all know hates the [over use] of the stamp of secrecy by the government. She would want the ship’s log of Bunz actually published in say The Washington Post. And any recorded invasion data would be housed in a guaranteed secure location. Like a randomly picked small business bathroom closet. Like who would ever think to look there?
While Trump is of course a bit more pragmatic. He might order the reverse engineering of the space craft. So that on the bottom line he could display his name on the side of a hypersonic aircraft — a bit like in Nash Car racing. Couldn’t we allow him a few perks like that with signs on few super jets, in as much as he is giving up the fun of being a major real estate Mogul? Just so that he can generously save us from our own stupidity. And note for the record — he is NEVER PC about [that] point. It is insult followed up by insult, directed both to the left and to the right. Leaving no bridge to ANY “puppet master” not given a Godzilia type stomping in his path. And the public enjoys him doing it.
Well when he saves the nation and maybe the world, and then retires, wouldn’t we want to show a thank you to the work of the man? Possibly, like with Mt. Rushmore, a mountain (if large enough of course) might be carved into his likeness. Pity the team of artists that are assigned to capture the distinctive hair on his head — in but mere stone. It would be perhaps as much a challenge as something from Renascence Art.
Well, how would the sculptors capture the cute expressions on that hamster? Or, how could they capture the Trumpster’s most distinctive attribute… that loud, braying, arrogant voice? (Of course, he’d have to be depicted with his mouth wide open). Here’s a suggestion: buy up all those gigantic banks of speakers that were used in those huge outdoor rock concerts of the ’70s and ’90s… all the huge, towering Tweeters, Woofers, Subwoofers and especially Brayers… Stick ’em in the back of that huge, echoing cavity of a mouth, install huge banks of solar panels behind that towering cowlick to power ’em, and run a random-selection computer playback of his rather limited vocabulary, full volume, day and night! Wow! What a tribute that would be… a completely pristine national park, untouched and uninhabited by either people or wildlife!
You have some good points DoubleW. I fully agree that Trump’s voice is “arrogant”, but not necessarily loud. His is the trained entertainer voice of the pro-wrestler giving the traditional bragging speech as to his powers. Indeed some of the media, have entertained calling for a “cage match” between say Trump and Cruz. Don’t read too much into the seeming simplicity of his language. It is true that his message is simple. But by design. If you say something perhaps three times, and in three slightly different ways, then the public might remember what you said. He does this all the time of course. But people would not line up for hours in many block long lines and in freezing weather unless his always simple message were not also delivered in an entertaining and challenging way. What he has got going works.
As to the level of thinking attached to the language used, consider this. President Obama has a powerful command of language. And many assumed that because of that powerful command of language that he had a powerful command of thought. That indeed he would necessarily have to think deeply in order to match the rhetoric. But on the one hand he dismissed a sworn enemy as merely being the JV team (thus worthy of being ignored), while simultaneously making [multiple] errors with the net effect of dumping vast piles of weapons into their hands. The command of language is here proven as not equating to the command of reasoning.
Trump, perhaps more complex than credited, indeed makes full use of binary reasoning in his run for office. An example, the indirect content of this cartoon page. He would contend that we have laws on our books and thus should pull out all stops to fully enforce them, or elect to change those laws. That is binary thinking of course. A simple computer could manage as much. But humans think in terms of not only “yes” or “no” but also “maybe”.
It is the inclusion in our reasoning of the option of “maybe’s” that allows us to do things beyond computers (thus far). The AI’s of our current science fiction and humor story a possible exception to that. But the use of “maybe’s” in reasoning demands the weighing of options for best guess answers. [The Space Shuttle used 5 computers to “vote” on complex matters, to otherwise simulate what comes naturally for us humans.]
Trump of course knows that questions of the human condition are often complex. Indeed many of his critics claim that his thinking is not purely “conservative” but also layered with “liberal view points”. That to cite the “deep thinkers” of National Review, who ironically also don’t like his utter lack of PC thinking from their perspective. But despite these complex questions, and concerns, Trump sees “gridlock” a worse fate than simplicity.
A note concerning Trump’s “arrogance”. George W. Bush would sometimes make a challenging remark to his foe, and rather dramatically stick his chin up in the air. A number of times Obama has done exactly the same thing. That can be taken as in the old John Wayne movie “North to Alaska”, as the challenge for the great mud fight. You strike me on my chin, then I strike you on yours. Challenge met. Note Trumps method. There is no projection of the proud chin. There is instead the warning, often ignored, that he will counter punch — and with a much greater force than the original blow. The method of John Wayne looks dramatic. But the counter punch method of Trump, where there is a partial block, appears to be more effective. By the way, Trump is a student of the martial art (I guess) of boxing.
And he’s got a mutated long-haired (attack) gerbil on his head. Fpssssst!
I caution my political friends out there left and right. Mr B ‘o K is quite correct. Trump is not my cup of tea but he is a political force to be reckoned with. At this point it’s difficult to decide which side is more afraid of him. I believe that at this moment he is doing to the establishment right what Obama did to the establishment left. Beware a “right wing” Hugo Chavez with “a phone and a pen”.
The Morning Joe guy on MSNBC played a generous selection of Ms Kelly’s several months of verbal abuse of Trump — ending with the absurd statement “that of course this is an unbiased interviewer”. He added the child-like statement by Fox News meant to enrage the Donald, meant to enrage him, [before] he made any indication that he would turn down showing up for the debate that: [We at Fox News have heard through third party sources that the religious leader of Iran and President Putin are judging by his discomfort with Megyn Kelly that they plan on insulting him as well.] Using that release by Fox News, it was [then] and only [then] that Trump released a statement that he would be a no-show. Saying “bye bye” to the event, and wishing them good audiences minus his presence which would rather be at a simultaneous event, raising money for wounded warriors in the same state. Phone calls from some of the other debaters on that stage are reported to have asked if they also would be welcome at the Trump charity event.
Morning Joe remarked that the letter from the billionaire of Fox News was taken as if a powerline electric jolt, that “made Godzillia grow another 600 feet taller”. And further Morning Joe said, “That if I had to agree to appear before ‘THAT’ (meaning perhaps Megan Kelly — if certain also the bias rules) that he would rather have doused himself with fuel and burned his body in front of the Fox News building.
In “The Art of the Deal” Trump points out that a good negotiator “knows when it is a good idea to walk away from a bad deal”. There is a gamble with an election in a close state that this could of course backfire. But on the other hand, if egg is on the face of Fox News, and yet one more bridge to “string pulling puppet masters” is given the Godzillia stomp, and the counter event has a huge crowd, and the state still goes to Trump — it will be a win with no limits to it. Poor Megyn Kelly is a chess piece between power players.
And win or loose, MSNBC will be more than willing to take up the “conservative” pitch of Trump — to up their own ratings — and stick it to the manager of Fox News. Morning Joe’s word prove that.
At this point it’s a war of spin. Trump obviously want to spin it that FOX is unfair and that kelly is out to get him. Of course at this point Trump is in the driver’s seat in Iowa and really has nothing to loose and everything to gain. He doesn’t have to show up for the debate and let all the other candidates try to beat him up. He’s banking on making the debate look smaller by his absence.
The other side will spin that he’s afraid of a girl and that he’s just being a whiney baby and taking his ball and going home.
We’ll see which side is right. Say what you will about The Donald, he’s making a primary process that is usually as interesting as watching paint dry and turning it into something interesting.
…and the Trumper stumbles. Fear not boys and girls, Trumpy is a long way from gone and we will have him throughout the primaries and into the convention. So brush out that mutant long-haired gerbil (not making that up by the way – Google it) and party on Donald!
The wild card is Ben Carson. To an unusual degree Carson keeps his temper well in check. It seems that operatives of Team Cruz circulated among Carson supporters and suggested strongly that Carson was “cashing in his chips”. If valid, and if Cruz knew of it yet said or did nothing then the religious sorts might want to think about it. Being able to correctly tell the difference between “Two” Corinthians and 2 nd Corinthians may be important — but so also is honoring “The Spirit of Fair Play”. Carson has never indicated an interest in dropping out of the running. He is in the race to teach matters of merit. Not necessarily to win. Trump knows that Carson is considered a kinder gentler version of himself. If a true wrong was done against Carson by Cruz, he might suitably unload a bit of wrath.
And Trumpy for the win! New Hampshire falls for Trumper who spent a mere 3 mil there. JEB! Who came in fourth – about 32 mil. Cruz at third place – 500,000. Fascinating stats that. Oh and Christy Kreme? (Who has a night job as the Stay Puft Marshmallow man.) bout 18 mil.
Meanwhile, over on the equus africanus asinus side of the room – Bernie bounces the beest! New Hampshireites just don’t seem to cotton to Hilde.
On to South Carolina because The Show must go on!
Have you seen the new commercial by Cruz, where he has Trump threatening the doll house of sweet Grammy with “Imminent Domain”, with the idea of making a high-rise type parking garage? The commercial could sort of back-fire. I’m tempted to see if toy companies are making a Donald Trump “action figure”. Trump would say, at a minimum that Grammy gets “fair market value for her property”, if in fact not several times this if she plays her cards right.
And now we present a Vital Message from… Eh, the guy with the Hamster Toupee…
Yes, all you true Americans out there – you know who you are – should be pleased to see that Bunz & Katz have finally found a job – Um… at least until they’re revealed to also be Illegal Aliens…
Senor Wences, I presume…
Gee, great to see that “Bunny Bux” have spread as far as our southern neighbors!
Oh come on! He does NOT have a hamster on his head. As if anybody would run for president with a hamster on his head. Anyone with a pair of eyes can see it’s a mutated long-haired gerbil. Sheesh. (You can tell by the way it sort of sits up and sniffs at the air when the wind blows.)
Just between me, you and a fencepost – the election of “The Donald” would probably be the biggest boon to comedian/comic fodder since Nixon…maybe Ford.
(That’s a “Bronco Buc” Double dubbya and dang if you don’t have good eyes.)
At least Trump doesn’t want to do like my dad does. My dad thinks there should be machine gun towers where the ranges overlap. And every border crosser be it man, woman, or child should be gunned down the moment they cross the border.
It’ll probably turn out something like that.
Hey, let’s not forget about Hillary’s very recently expressed interest in Area 51. A place where the spacecraft of Bunz and Katz might eventually wind up. Hillary as we all know hates the [over use] of the stamp of secrecy by the government. She would want the ship’s log of Bunz actually published in say The Washington Post. And any recorded invasion data would be housed in a guaranteed secure location. Like a randomly picked small business bathroom closet. Like who would ever think to look there?
While Trump is of course a bit more pragmatic. He might order the reverse engineering of the space craft. So that on the bottom line he could display his name on the side of a hypersonic aircraft — a bit like in Nash Car racing. Couldn’t we allow him a few perks like that with signs on few super jets, in as much as he is giving up the fun of being a major real estate Mogul? Just so that he can generously save us from our own stupidity. And note for the record — he is NEVER PC about [that] point. It is insult followed up by insult, directed both to the left and to the right. Leaving no bridge to ANY “puppet master” not given a Godzilia type stomping in his path. And the public enjoys him doing it.
Well when he saves the nation and maybe the world, and then retires, wouldn’t we want to show a thank you to the work of the man? Possibly, like with Mt. Rushmore, a mountain (if large enough of course) might be carved into his likeness. Pity the team of artists that are assigned to capture the distinctive hair on his head — in but mere stone. It would be perhaps as much a challenge as something from Renascence Art.
Well, how would the sculptors capture the cute expressions on that hamster? Or, how could they capture the Trumpster’s most distinctive attribute… that loud, braying, arrogant voice? (Of course, he’d have to be depicted with his mouth wide open). Here’s a suggestion: buy up all those gigantic banks of speakers that were used in those huge outdoor rock concerts of the ’70s and ’90s… all the huge, towering Tweeters, Woofers, Subwoofers and especially Brayers… Stick ’em in the back of that huge, echoing cavity of a mouth, install huge banks of solar panels behind that towering cowlick to power ’em, and run a random-selection computer playback of his rather limited vocabulary, full volume, day and night! Wow! What a tribute that would be… a completely pristine national park, untouched and uninhabited by either people or wildlife!
You have some good points DoubleW. I fully agree that Trump’s voice is “arrogant”, but not necessarily loud. His is the trained entertainer voice of the pro-wrestler giving the traditional bragging speech as to his powers. Indeed some of the media, have entertained calling for a “cage match” between say Trump and Cruz. Don’t read too much into the seeming simplicity of his language. It is true that his message is simple. But by design. If you say something perhaps three times, and in three slightly different ways, then the public might remember what you said. He does this all the time of course. But people would not line up for hours in many block long lines and in freezing weather unless his always simple message were not also delivered in an entertaining and challenging way. What he has got going works.
As to the level of thinking attached to the language used, consider this. President Obama has a powerful command of language. And many assumed that because of that powerful command of language that he had a powerful command of thought. That indeed he would necessarily have to think deeply in order to match the rhetoric. But on the one hand he dismissed a sworn enemy as merely being the JV team (thus worthy of being ignored), while simultaneously making [multiple] errors with the net effect of dumping vast piles of weapons into their hands. The command of language is here proven as not equating to the command of reasoning.
Trump, perhaps more complex than credited, indeed makes full use of binary reasoning in his run for office. An example, the indirect content of this cartoon page. He would contend that we have laws on our books and thus should pull out all stops to fully enforce them, or elect to change those laws. That is binary thinking of course. A simple computer could manage as much. But humans think in terms of not only “yes” or “no” but also “maybe”.
It is the inclusion in our reasoning of the option of “maybe’s” that allows us to do things beyond computers (thus far). The AI’s of our current science fiction and humor story a possible exception to that. But the use of “maybe’s” in reasoning demands the weighing of options for best guess answers. [The Space Shuttle used 5 computers to “vote” on complex matters, to otherwise simulate what comes naturally for us humans.]
Trump of course knows that questions of the human condition are often complex. Indeed many of his critics claim that his thinking is not purely “conservative” but also layered with “liberal view points”. That to cite the “deep thinkers” of National Review, who ironically also don’t like his utter lack of PC thinking from their perspective. But despite these complex questions, and concerns, Trump sees “gridlock” a worse fate than simplicity.
A note concerning Trump’s “arrogance”. George W. Bush would sometimes make a challenging remark to his foe, and rather dramatically stick his chin up in the air. A number of times Obama has done exactly the same thing. That can be taken as in the old John Wayne movie “North to Alaska”, as the challenge for the great mud fight. You strike me on my chin, then I strike you on yours. Challenge met. Note Trumps method. There is no projection of the proud chin. There is instead the warning, often ignored, that he will counter punch — and with a much greater force than the original blow. The method of John Wayne looks dramatic. But the counter punch method of Trump, where there is a partial block, appears to be more effective. By the way, Trump is a student of the martial art (I guess) of boxing.
And he’s got a mutated long-haired (attack) gerbil on his head. Fpssssst!
I caution my political friends out there left and right. Mr B ‘o K is quite correct. Trump is not my cup of tea but he is a political force to be reckoned with. At this point it’s difficult to decide which side is more afraid of him. I believe that at this moment he is doing to the establishment right what Obama did to the establishment left. Beware a “right wing” Hugo Chavez with “a phone and a pen”.
Apparently he IS afraid of Megyn Kelly. (She might click her ruby slippers and make him melt.)
The Morning Joe guy on MSNBC played a generous selection of Ms Kelly’s several months of verbal abuse of Trump — ending with the absurd statement “that of course this is an unbiased interviewer”. He added the child-like statement by Fox News meant to enrage the Donald, meant to enrage him, [before] he made any indication that he would turn down showing up for the debate that: [We at Fox News have heard through third party sources that the religious leader of Iran and President Putin are judging by his discomfort with Megyn Kelly that they plan on insulting him as well.] Using that release by Fox News, it was [then] and only [then] that Trump released a statement that he would be a no-show. Saying “bye bye” to the event, and wishing them good audiences minus his presence which would rather be at a simultaneous event, raising money for wounded warriors in the same state. Phone calls from some of the other debaters on that stage are reported to have asked if they also would be welcome at the Trump charity event.
Morning Joe remarked that the letter from the billionaire of Fox News was taken as if a powerline electric jolt, that “made Godzillia grow another 600 feet taller”. And further Morning Joe said, “That if I had to agree to appear before ‘THAT’ (meaning perhaps Megan Kelly — if certain also the bias rules) that he would rather have doused himself with fuel and burned his body in front of the Fox News building.
In “The Art of the Deal” Trump points out that a good negotiator “knows when it is a good idea to walk away from a bad deal”. There is a gamble with an election in a close state that this could of course backfire. But on the other hand, if egg is on the face of Fox News, and yet one more bridge to “string pulling puppet masters” is given the Godzillia stomp, and the counter event has a huge crowd, and the state still goes to Trump — it will be a win with no limits to it. Poor Megyn Kelly is a chess piece between power players.
And win or loose, MSNBC will be more than willing to take up the “conservative” pitch of Trump — to up their own ratings — and stick it to the manager of Fox News. Morning Joe’s word prove that.
At this point it’s a war of spin. Trump obviously want to spin it that FOX is unfair and that kelly is out to get him. Of course at this point Trump is in the driver’s seat in Iowa and really has nothing to loose and everything to gain. He doesn’t have to show up for the debate and let all the other candidates try to beat him up. He’s banking on making the debate look smaller by his absence.
The other side will spin that he’s afraid of a girl and that he’s just being a whiney baby and taking his ball and going home.
We’ll see which side is right. Say what you will about The Donald, he’s making a primary process that is usually as interesting as watching paint dry and turning it into something interesting.
…and the Trumper stumbles. Fear not boys and girls, Trumpy is a long way from gone and we will have him throughout the primaries and into the convention. So brush out that mutant long-haired gerbil (not making that up by the way – Google it) and party on Donald!
Being Groundhog’s Day, perhaps Trump’s Gerbil saw it’s shadow…
The wild card is Ben Carson. To an unusual degree Carson keeps his temper well in check. It seems that operatives of Team Cruz circulated among Carson supporters and suggested strongly that Carson was “cashing in his chips”. If valid, and if Cruz knew of it yet said or did nothing then the religious sorts might want to think about it. Being able to correctly tell the difference between “Two” Corinthians and 2 nd Corinthians may be important — but so also is honoring “The Spirit of Fair Play”. Carson has never indicated an interest in dropping out of the running. He is in the race to teach matters of merit. Not necessarily to win. Trump knows that Carson is considered a kinder gentler version of himself. If a true wrong was done against Carson by Cruz, he might suitably unload a bit of wrath.
And Trumpy for the win! New Hampshire falls for Trumper who spent a mere 3 mil there. JEB! Who came in fourth – about 32 mil. Cruz at third place – 500,000. Fascinating stats that. Oh and Christy Kreme? (Who has a night job as the Stay Puft Marshmallow man.) bout 18 mil.
Meanwhile, over on the equus africanus asinus side of the room – Bernie bounces the beest! New Hampshireites just don’t seem to cotton to Hilde.
On to South Carolina because The Show must go on!
Wish I owned shares in Orville Reddenbacher…
Have you seen the new commercial by Cruz, where he has Trump threatening the doll house of sweet Grammy with “Imminent Domain”, with the idea of making a high-rise type parking garage? The commercial could sort of back-fire. I’m tempted to see if toy companies are making a Donald Trump “action figure”. Trump would say, at a minimum that Grammy gets “fair market value for her property”, if in fact not several times this if she plays her cards right.
How many presidential contenders have done something like body slam the owner of the WWE? That was indeed good action figure material.