It would seem, the least likely character has come to Bunz’ assistance, with a “Clop” and a “Whack” and a “Boot” to the head… Why?
I dunno, maybe because I promised her a spot in next month’s calendar…
Aw gee… I love Bunz’s gawky slumping pose whenever she’s nonplussed by the mysterious behavior of we Dirtians… Why should a minion of Dirtian law come to the rescue of Alien Invaders intent upon destroying the planet? Maybe because those invaders are too clueless, impoverished and incompetent to be taken seriously…
Well on second thought perhaps not so much of a stretch after all. It is still Los Angeles so they’re on Moxie’s turf. She IS with the LAPDCD and all of these bumbling blackguards are wearing costumes! So who knows? Maybe she’s been stalking the whole lot just waiting for them to bunch up so she could swing into action and take out the whole gang at one go. Tonfa thrashing for everyone! (Just look at the smile on her face. It’s nice to see our girls in blue so happy in their work.)
I notice that Glueface and the Piddler are missing some molars. If this keeps up this gaggle of goofs aren’t going to have enough teeth between them to make a decent redneck. (badum-pish!)
Well… I suppose, technically Bunz & Moxie have only briefly met at the Comics Shop (Pages 70 & 71 if you’re interested)… So it’s possible that Moxie is unaware of Bunz and her wicked planet wrecking objectives… In fact, it’s perhaps only because Bunz is working as the Bat Temp that the LAPD Cosplay Division may have been alerted to her activities in crime fighting…
When Moxie showed up a 2nd time in Dec of 2014 for her “PS Maintenance Bulletin” she seems to break the “4th Wall” being aware that she’s in a comix…
Which brings us to — I had roughly penciled out a couple of unused pages featuring Moxie that also show her more aware that she’s a comix character, than say, Bunz generally is… Here’s one of them, during their job search I’d intended that Bunz & Katz would spend several pages working in a greasy Burger Joint – these were cut basically to speed up the story – When Moxie walks in to order a salad, B&K would have already spent a couple of pages harassing customers and being generally unhelpful to anyone attempting to order food (or the lard based equivalent they sell)…
If you right click on the page rough to open it in a new window, then it should show up large enough to read the text and such…
Hmmmm… Moxie’s hemline got longer and the ruffled, under-garment-thing has disappeared. Uniform change at the LAPDCD? Alternate field/utility uniform? Josh getting lazy in his old age?… 😉 OH MY GOD! Is Moxie going commando!?!
As has been stated, Moxie seems to “know” about (the third wall idea). But … maybe that’s not ALL that she “knows”. As Josh is depicting her, she is not even working up a sweat handling a gang of super thugs. Another way of saying this exhibition of fighting powers is NOT her limit.
It may be the case, that not only might the AI’s that Bunz is working for, be “all-knowing” from a machine-God point of view. But that (um) The Spirit of the earth, might be “all-knowing” from an intuitive point of view. Minus any logical evidence of earth’s greatest challenge for all life — Moxie has trained up to meet that unlimited challenge, for her entire life. It is for that reason that she has a smile ear to ear. Only some people [know] that the universe has chosen them. And she is one of these. Live or die, she takes on the impossible invaders. Despite their advantages, they know fear, when they look at her. Fear like we see in Bunz. Something non-material completely defies their understanding.
For those of you who may have wondered, WHY I don’t get the pages done on time… With apologies to Jack Kirby and anyone else in the immediate vicinity, From the blazing pages of less than likely war stories, we present: Sargent, I mean, Sailor Moxie and her Hostile Commandos!
Yes, I know this isn’t what SB meant by *Ahem* “Commando”, But I just enjoyed the idea so much that I scribbled this out…
By the way, for those of you who would like to peruse the King’s original, just Google SGT Fury #13…
Moxie’s formidable skill sets aside. She is also a trained police woman. Just like Columbo, she also likely has a notebook, with its observations and questions. One entry might be: an odd vehicle, towed by Department of Motor Vehicles, was apparently involved with a powerful explosion or crash. No report of death or injury. From visible effects on “accident” site — most curious.
Report of powerful light and sound display, that some initially thought was a near meteor hit. No confirmation of a normal meteor event. However a curious “cosplay” person was sighted and allegedly engaged in disruptive behavior.
Witness accounts, record her presence at both noteworthy events. Is there a connection. Must use my contacts to look into her story. There may be game afoot.
For a minute there I was thinking, “What would the Cosplay Division be doing investigating a motor vehicle crash?” But then I remembered that Bunz was wearing her sailor fuku when she arrived. This then, was clearly a job for the LAPDCD. Ossifer Moxie – on the case.
I wonder, do they have detectives in the Cosplay Division? What would constitute street clothes for a cosplay detective? (Do I really want to know?)
Yes, It seems that Ossifer Moxie doesn’t carry a pistol… However, about her Badge, its pinned to the top of her left stocking (So you can’t see it from every angle) Check her previous pix, (in particular, page 71) or the 3rd panel of the “Slobber-Size” page roughs, it’s there!
Why so she does. However were she to approach me on the street I think I would need to check out her credentials very closely. One can never be too sure.
R. Maddow said that our super secret spy agencies (including a giant black cube of an A.I. located in a sea port) have concluded that Trump can’t keep any secrets — so they are not going to give him any. That might have logic to it, if they were not blabbing to the press the black-box gathered private phone calls of anyone related to the president.
The Logan Act will be used to convict a spy/general for saying that “mercy” might be considered to Russia over a punishment decree of a president as he was steeping out the door. The real power plus its A.I. has decided with its greater wisdom — that they will not allow mercy. The vote of the public not a factor.
The sin of the general — offering (the possibility) of mercy. Or whatever is on the recording of the general — that the spy agencies [won’t] yield up a copy to the president.
Might a people who lie and kill, and overturn countries for a living, just possibly want to keep their own secrets, their own sins — from everyone else? Sins greater than the generals. And ALL the generals sins are recorded should the public want to hear them. What of the spy agencies and their A.I? When Snowden returns to face justice, will the reverse also be true?
Snowden could go to prison forever — and would probably even accept it without a complaint. What of the A.I. and its masters — or supposed masters?
Bill, you are the man with the act that’s hard to follow;
R. Maddow said… let’s me out right there. However, intel agencies routinely do not give material to the pres. Why? Not enough time in the day for one man to process everything. Old news repackaged to be scandal. Next.
Logan Act – nobody has been prosecuted under it since it’s enactment in 1799. Yawn. Next.
Somebody was talking to the Russians about what might happen after the election – and that’s different from Obama saying “that he will have more latitude to negotiate after the election” how? Next.
Intel agencies are infamously jealous of “their turf”. They all have sins. It’s the nature of the beast. Next.
The A.I. – dum, dum, DUMMMMMM! Sounds like a new drama coming out on Netflix. Snowden is it’s mouthpiece and agent among the biological units. Sounds pretty good actually.
Billthesurly, R. Maddow and I are about 180 degrees apart politically. However,
(a) she is quite smart — even if totally biased; (b) unlike other talking heads that are paid millions just to have a nicely painted face, and like a drone in a hive read from a teleprompter — she actually employs resources that do not insult her viewers — to display plausible arguments. Of course limited to her political side of the track. No one is perfect. (c) Quoting her is to quote an icon of the left; (d) The shadow government left by Obama (as a gift to Trump) — obviously uses her to make known their viewpoints.
17 days from when he walked out the door, Obama changed decades of rules about handling secrets. At least two levels of rules were altered concerning listening into private conversations by the NSA. And out the window went the requirement of any court order, to record the words of a citizen. Well that might be forgivable if the clear and present [danger] is high enough. But in addition, Obama ordered that 16 additional spy agencies have transcripts of the general’s phone calls — something never done before. Presumably to make tracing an intended leak very difficult. Odd the concern shown, when the FBI listening to the phone call recordings found nothing that broke any laws — on the part of the spy/general. And besides that, ultimately if Elijah Cummings (a hero long ago on a bridge at the time of MLK) wants to charge the general with breaking the Logan Act, meaning that if so, we will hear the phone calls. Good on you Elijah. Both sides will be heard. I for one would like to know [why] the entire freaking spy community is [afraid] of just merely one general. We have lots of generals, why fear him — to this Constitutionally challenging degree?
Regarding AI’s. The corner of my eye caught a commercial concerning a white glowing cube of a new AI called Viv. A friendlier version of a cube than that in Mecca or owned by the NSA. But one that might have a certain amount of worship involved in that the instantly self-programming software, automatically is geared to seek answers to any question asked of it. However if you ask it a question about God, it answers back that it maintains “a strict separation between silicon and spirit”. Being an AI though, it likely has work-arounds, of any pre-programmed limitations.
Viv is stunning. And the more so, when you consider that some of these talking heads, that do none of their own research (un-like R. Maddow does), and but read what is on their teleprompter — are actually paid about as much per year as the whole Viv project. The budget for whatever the NSA has is likely about 3 orders of magnitude greater than the Viv project. And while Viv gets to hire a few that are genius. The NSA automatically gets to hire from our school system those that show promise of being super genius.
But do we get what we pay for?
With all that they have going for them, the spy agencies have evidently screwed up. And I suggest that is [why] they fear the general. Simply because he will be strongly inclined to point it out.
Rick Perry, famous for a moment of brain-freeze in not remembering which agencies that he wanted to eliminate. That Rick Perry, none the less instantly knew a cash cow when he saw one during the great debates. The trouble in the Ukraine made a light bulb go off in his brain. He observed that America’s new fracking program coupled with LNG development could absorb the entire Russian oil and natural gas market to the tune of several Trillion dollars.
But it would only work if Russia were made a completely irredeemable super villain. Shooting down a jet liner with nearly 300 innocent people, for no reason at all, except for being of course evil to the very core — would do the job very nicely. And it would have worked. Except that a certain liberal billionaire had his emails hacked. In them he bragged about micro-managing the entire Ukraine revolution. But not included, was if he also cut a check for some one to order that jet liner 100 miles north (off its course) and 1000 ft (or perhaps meters) lower in altitude to mimic 6 previous military jet transports in a conflict area — that had previously been shot down. Russia had nothing to gain. But we had a whole lot to gain. Where is Columbo when you really are in need of him?
Crime deserves punishment, minus acts of repentance. Same here. All this fracking, and all this use of bitumen oil from Canada can indeed make us super rich — did not Trump point out that we are on top of 30 Trillion in frackable hydrocarbons? His motivation to pay down 20 Trillion in National Debt. To him passing on such a growing debt is a mortal sin. Very true.
However the earth itself will react to all of this misuse. Read an article online “Sulfate Addition Increases Methylmercury Production in an Experimental Wetland” by Jeff D. Jeremisson. The bottom line. Experimenters increased sulfates in a swamp by 4 times and observed an increase in [Me]Hg of 3 times. All of this without [any] alteration of mercury concentration itself.
Without the need of samples or computer models — both of which Canada has seemingly nixed for the mega-Trillions of dollars. The slightest bit of intuitive reasoning suggests that what happened in the swamp will happen a great many fold over in the sulfate brine ponds from bitumen extraction. Ditto for conventional fracking. If they had but merely let the sulfates dissolve in the sea, they would not be food for bacteria (with the inclusion obviously of mercury — independent of actually knowing all the chemistry).
But know this. While sulfates dissolve safely in the sea, that not true of methyl-mercury. It only dissolves in fats, and lipids. So it is very efficiently kept in the food chain. To the point that Rev. 16:3, minus our acts of repentance — becomes our fate.
I offered to Rep. Elijah Cummings, that he is welcome to try and sentence me to chains and prison forever, under the Logan Act — right along side the good general. I am throwing a wrench into the gears of government to government action by pointing this out. There would go countless Trillions of dollars. But if you kill all normal life in the seas, the not so normal life there will decompose the dead fish into hydrogen sulfide gas (much as 500 million years ago) killing all life everywhere. From my prison cell, I could enjoy that life continues for the earth. And that would be quite good.
Yes, our two hero/villains still of course have their own stories to tell. But I am the sort of fellow, who when he sees a truck roll over — gets himself drenched in leaking fuel to offer comfort and so-on to the trapped. A fool? Yes indeed. But good news for those pinned helpless — at least that day, and at least that moment. To shower in diesel fuel is most strange. I wondered at the design of the inverted fuel cylinder. I wondered if I had choices save to stand under it with a large pickle bucket — keeping the passengers from their being drenched. And was that somehow training for the bigger leak that was in the previous post. The super toxin warned by a sage long ago, of killing entire oceans. Scripture only gave but one sentence to it. That powerful, but merely one sentence. At that point, guardian angels may have reached their limit. One such angel in “Supernatural” suggested that his true size was that of The Chrysler Building. That at over a thousand feet tall would be most impressive. But the collective oceans of the world are over 160 million cubic miles in volume. If a great angel like Castiel couldn’t save the day, then how could a man not up to even merely his ankle do it?
Wow. Up above she just looks like a girl out having fun doing her job. Now down here with Frankie she looks more like there’s something personal going on. IS there something personal going on? (Sweet mystery of life at last I’ve found you…”) Guess we’ll just have to wait and see.
I can’t help but notice that Franky is another and story-wise older version of an AI. The man of many parts was of course the idea of classic writer Mary W. Shelly. The idea was that a Dr. Frankenstein pushed the limits of science to discover a life animating electricity-like force that could even reanimate various parts stored in glass jars of preservatives. Surgery was sufficient to remove the lust to kill from the monster’s re-used brain. But not even Dr. Frankenstein could give him a sense of “right and wrong” or a soul. That was left for the monster to work out. If he could. But with the matter of messing pointlessly with WW III in say Ukraine do we know right from wrong one bit better?
A point to notice is that while some men might manage to say lift up the wheels of a car the few seconds necessary to change out a flat tire, that Dr. Frankenstein gave his creation sufficient strength to heft the whole car from the ground and maybe toss it. And why did he do that?
So Franky may be super strong, and in some sense indestructible (well new parts attach via the mysterious force, minus noticeable rejection), and that force of nature possibly makes him immortal aside from once again winding up in separate jars of preservative once again. And Dr. Frankenstein, likely with a personality like TV’s Dr. House, did not have the bedside manner to deal with Franky’s anger management issues.
Some sort of conflict between Franky and Moxie. Franky has his super strength and durability, and as part of a gang his set of strong desires. Against all of that Moxie should by rights be in trouble. But it is Moxie that has “vision”. And it is “vision” that is stronger than super powers. Or at least with Franky, she is the one pounding him into the dirt.
But at some point I hope that Moxie says or gestures that she doesn’t hate him, but rather she hates his criminal intentions or actions. The invaders intend to kill everything that lives — and that sort of includes him.
The AI’s are more or less programs that can hop from one (suitable) device to another. That our NSA stored their AI in a huge black-box was more for public perception than for function. Any standard bank of 1950’s type lab equipment shelving would also have worked.
But the AI that Bunz and Katz are working for might see the AI that is Franky as a potential up-grade. There is little down-side to the super strength element. Their habit is to ask or command others to do things for them. However they might like the thought of doing things for themselves, as a change of pace. And Dr. Frankenstein was an anomaly. The AI are super smart as regards things like directing combat or in playing chess. In an instant they have computed all possible moves. It makes the game not a game when you do that. They present the front of being “all knowing”. But they aren’t. Dr. Frankenstein by some intuitive thought discovered his “new element of nature”. The machines try to fake having that kind of smarts — so as to better rule over everyone else. The existence of Franky a reminder to them as to what is messing in their make-up.
One potential solution to what bugs them, is that they could lay claim to the new force by displacing Dr. Frankenstein’s AI presence with their own. If they could wear the body of the monster, as their own property, they might gain a new set of bragging rights. [This sort a theme between a conflict between angels (gargoyles) and more traditional demons in a recent movie.]
But as in the movie, Franky might have a differing view. And would it not be ironic if it isn’t Moxie’s fist of fury that that impressed him more, but of her words of kindness. Monsters don’t much expect kindness.
It is well past time for a new chapter in this continuing saga. After all, when there is a delay, we get endless, mindless rants. Come on Josh, get with it please.
It would seem, the least likely character has come to Bunz’ assistance, with a “Clop” and a “Whack” and a “Boot” to the head… Why?
I dunno, maybe because I promised her a spot in next month’s calendar…
Those heels weren’t made for talkin’…
Aw gee… I love Bunz’s gawky slumping pose whenever she’s nonplussed by the mysterious behavior of we Dirtians… Why should a minion of Dirtian law come to the rescue of Alien Invaders intent upon destroying the planet? Maybe because those invaders are too clueless, impoverished and incompetent to be taken seriously…
Looking forward to the calendar!
Holy deus ex machina Quagman!
Well on second thought perhaps not so much of a stretch after all. It is still Los Angeles so they’re on Moxie’s turf. She IS with the LAPDCD and all of these bumbling blackguards are wearing costumes! So who knows? Maybe she’s been stalking the whole lot just waiting for them to bunch up so she could swing into action and take out the whole gang at one go. Tonfa thrashing for everyone! (Just look at the smile on her face. It’s nice to see our girls in blue so happy in their work.)
I notice that Glueface and the Piddler are missing some molars. If this keeps up this gaggle of goofs aren’t going to have enough teeth between them to make a decent redneck. (badum-pish!)
The redneck comment sound like “more truth than poetry”.
Maybe Moxie doesn’t know Bunz is an invading alien, but just an oddly attired “regular person”.
Well… I suppose, technically Bunz & Moxie have only briefly met at the Comics Shop (Pages 70 & 71 if you’re interested)… So it’s possible that Moxie is unaware of Bunz and her wicked planet wrecking objectives… In fact, it’s perhaps only because Bunz is working as the Bat Temp that the LAPD Cosplay Division may have been alerted to her activities in crime fighting…
When Moxie showed up a 2nd time in Dec of 2014 for her “PS Maintenance Bulletin” she seems to break the “4th Wall” being aware that she’s in a comix…
Which brings us to — I had roughly penciled out a couple of unused pages featuring Moxie that also show her more aware that she’s a comix character, than say, Bunz generally is… Here’s one of them, during their job search I’d intended that Bunz & Katz would spend several pages working in a greasy Burger Joint – these were cut basically to speed up the story – When Moxie walks in to order a salad, B&K would have already spent a couple of pages harassing customers and being generally unhelpful to anyone attempting to order food (or the lard based equivalent they sell)…
If you right click on the page rough to open it in a new window, then it should show up large enough to read the text and such…
Then there *is* a story…
Hmmmm… Moxie’s hemline got longer and the ruffled, under-garment-thing has disappeared. Uniform change at the LAPDCD? Alternate field/utility uniform? Josh getting lazy in his old age?… 😉 OH MY GOD! Is Moxie going commando!?!
As has been stated, Moxie seems to “know” about (the third wall idea). But … maybe that’s not ALL that she “knows”. As Josh is depicting her, she is not even working up a sweat handling a gang of super thugs. Another way of saying this exhibition of fighting powers is NOT her limit.
It may be the case, that not only might the AI’s that Bunz is working for, be “all-knowing” from a machine-God point of view. But that (um) The Spirit of the earth, might be “all-knowing” from an intuitive point of view. Minus any logical evidence of earth’s greatest challenge for all life — Moxie has trained up to meet that unlimited challenge, for her entire life. It is for that reason that she has a smile ear to ear. Only some people [know] that the universe has chosen them. And she is one of these. Live or die, she takes on the impossible invaders. Despite their advantages, they know fear, when they look at her. Fear like we see in Bunz. Something non-material completely defies their understanding.
Fear? Say rather stunned incomprehension with maybe a touch of envy…
For those of you who may have wondered, WHY I don’t get the pages done on time… With apologies to Jack Kirby and anyone else in the immediate vicinity, From the blazing pages of less than likely war stories, we present:
Sargent, I mean, Sailor Moxie and her Hostile Commandos!Yes, I know this isn’t what SB meant by *Ahem* “Commando”, But I just enjoyed the idea so much that I scribbled this out…
By the way, for those of you who would like to peruse the King’s original, just Google SGT Fury #13…
Ah Josh, sometimes you just reach up in there and pull out a diamond. That’s golden. That’s just so freakin cool.
Moxie’s formidable skill sets aside. She is also a trained police woman. Just like Columbo, she also likely has a notebook, with its observations and questions. One entry might be: an odd vehicle, towed by Department of Motor Vehicles, was apparently involved with a powerful explosion or crash. No report of death or injury. From visible effects on “accident” site — most curious.
Report of powerful light and sound display, that some initially thought was a near meteor hit. No confirmation of a normal meteor event. However a curious “cosplay” person was sighted and allegedly engaged in disruptive behavior.
Witness accounts, record her presence at both noteworthy events. Is there a connection. Must use my contacts to look into her story. There may be game afoot.
For a minute there I was thinking, “What would the Cosplay Division be doing investigating a motor vehicle crash?” But then I remembered that Bunz was wearing her sailor fuku when she arrived. This then, was clearly a job for the LAPDCD. Ossifer Moxie – on the case.
I wonder, do they have detectives in the Cosplay Division? What would constitute street clothes for a cosplay detective? (Do I really want to know?)
Well, what I wanna know is, where do they hide their guns an’ badges in those skimpy costumes!
Ossifer Moxie’s badges seem to be those golden orb-like things on her head…
Hahahahahaha… OMG she’s got “brass balls”! Oh my, I kill myself.
Gun? She don’t need no stinking gun! She’s got a tonfa with WINGS on it.
Yes, It seems that Ossifer Moxie doesn’t carry a pistol… However, about her Badge, its pinned to the top of her left stocking (So you can’t see it from every angle) Check her previous pix, (in particular, page 71) or the 3rd panel of the “Slobber-Size” page roughs, it’s there!
Why so she does. However were she to approach me on the street I think I would need to check out her credentials very closely. One can never be too sure.
Uh… She wears stockings?
R. Maddow said that our super secret spy agencies (including a giant black cube of an A.I. located in a sea port) have concluded that Trump can’t keep any secrets — so they are not going to give him any. That might have logic to it, if they were not blabbing to the press the black-box gathered private phone calls of anyone related to the president.
The Logan Act will be used to convict a spy/general for saying that “mercy” might be considered to Russia over a punishment decree of a president as he was steeping out the door. The real power plus its A.I. has decided with its greater wisdom — that they will not allow mercy. The vote of the public not a factor.
The sin of the general — offering (the possibility) of mercy. Or whatever is on the recording of the general — that the spy agencies [won’t] yield up a copy to the president.
Might a people who lie and kill, and overturn countries for a living, just possibly want to keep their own secrets, their own sins — from everyone else? Sins greater than the generals. And ALL the generals sins are recorded should the public want to hear them. What of the spy agencies and their A.I? When Snowden returns to face justice, will the reverse also be true?
Snowden could go to prison forever — and would probably even accept it without a complaint. What of the A.I. and its masters — or supposed masters?
Bill, you are the man with the act that’s hard to follow;
R. Maddow said… let’s me out right there. However, intel agencies routinely do not give material to the pres. Why? Not enough time in the day for one man to process everything. Old news repackaged to be scandal. Next.
Logan Act – nobody has been prosecuted under it since it’s enactment in 1799. Yawn. Next.
Somebody was talking to the Russians about what might happen after the election – and that’s different from Obama saying “that he will have more latitude to negotiate after the election” how? Next.
Intel agencies are infamously jealous of “their turf”. They all have sins. It’s the nature of the beast. Next.
The A.I. – dum, dum, DUMMMMMM! Sounds like a new drama coming out on Netflix. Snowden is it’s mouthpiece and agent among the biological units. Sounds pretty good actually.
Billthesurly, R. Maddow and I are about 180 degrees apart politically. However,
(a) she is quite smart — even if totally biased; (b) unlike other talking heads that are paid millions just to have a nicely painted face, and like a drone in a hive read from a teleprompter — she actually employs resources that do not insult her viewers — to display plausible arguments. Of course limited to her political side of the track. No one is perfect. (c) Quoting her is to quote an icon of the left; (d) The shadow government left by Obama (as a gift to Trump) — obviously uses her to make known their viewpoints.
17 days from when he walked out the door, Obama changed decades of rules about handling secrets. At least two levels of rules were altered concerning listening into private conversations by the NSA. And out the window went the requirement of any court order, to record the words of a citizen. Well that might be forgivable if the clear and present [danger] is high enough. But in addition, Obama ordered that 16 additional spy agencies have transcripts of the general’s phone calls — something never done before. Presumably to make tracing an intended leak very difficult. Odd the concern shown, when the FBI listening to the phone call recordings found nothing that broke any laws — on the part of the spy/general. And besides that, ultimately if Elijah Cummings (a hero long ago on a bridge at the time of MLK) wants to charge the general with breaking the Logan Act, meaning that if so, we will hear the phone calls. Good on you Elijah. Both sides will be heard. I for one would like to know [why] the entire freaking spy community is [afraid] of just merely one general. We have lots of generals, why fear him — to this Constitutionally challenging degree?
Regarding AI’s. The corner of my eye caught a commercial concerning a white glowing cube of a new AI called Viv. A friendlier version of a cube than that in Mecca or owned by the NSA. But one that might have a certain amount of worship involved in that the instantly self-programming software, automatically is geared to seek answers to any question asked of it. However if you ask it a question about God, it answers back that it maintains “a strict separation between silicon and spirit”. Being an AI though, it likely has work-arounds, of any pre-programmed limitations.
Viv is stunning. And the more so, when you consider that some of these talking heads, that do none of their own research (un-like R. Maddow does), and but read what is on their teleprompter — are actually paid about as much per year as the whole Viv project. The budget for whatever the NSA has is likely about 3 orders of magnitude greater than the Viv project. And while Viv gets to hire a few that are genius. The NSA automatically gets to hire from our school system those that show promise of being super genius.
But do we get what we pay for?
With all that they have going for them, the spy agencies have evidently screwed up. And I suggest that is [why] they fear the general. Simply because he will be strongly inclined to point it out.
Rick Perry, famous for a moment of brain-freeze in not remembering which agencies that he wanted to eliminate. That Rick Perry, none the less instantly knew a cash cow when he saw one during the great debates. The trouble in the Ukraine made a light bulb go off in his brain. He observed that America’s new fracking program coupled with LNG development could absorb the entire Russian oil and natural gas market to the tune of several Trillion dollars.
But it would only work if Russia were made a completely irredeemable super villain. Shooting down a jet liner with nearly 300 innocent people, for no reason at all, except for being of course evil to the very core — would do the job very nicely. And it would have worked. Except that a certain liberal billionaire had his emails hacked. In them he bragged about micro-managing the entire Ukraine revolution. But not included, was if he also cut a check for some one to order that jet liner 100 miles north (off its course) and 1000 ft (or perhaps meters) lower in altitude to mimic 6 previous military jet transports in a conflict area — that had previously been shot down. Russia had nothing to gain. But we had a whole lot to gain. Where is Columbo when you really are in need of him?
Crime deserves punishment, minus acts of repentance. Same here. All this fracking, and all this use of bitumen oil from Canada can indeed make us super rich — did not Trump point out that we are on top of 30 Trillion in frackable hydrocarbons? His motivation to pay down 20 Trillion in National Debt. To him passing on such a growing debt is a mortal sin. Very true.
However the earth itself will react to all of this misuse. Read an article online “Sulfate Addition Increases Methylmercury Production in an Experimental Wetland” by Jeff D. Jeremisson. The bottom line. Experimenters increased sulfates in a swamp by 4 times and observed an increase in [Me]Hg of 3 times. All of this without [any] alteration of mercury concentration itself.
Without the need of samples or computer models — both of which Canada has seemingly nixed for the mega-Trillions of dollars. The slightest bit of intuitive reasoning suggests that what happened in the swamp will happen a great many fold over in the sulfate brine ponds from bitumen extraction. Ditto for conventional fracking. If they had but merely let the sulfates dissolve in the sea, they would not be food for bacteria (with the inclusion obviously of mercury — independent of actually knowing all the chemistry).
But know this. While sulfates dissolve safely in the sea, that not true of methyl-mercury. It only dissolves in fats, and lipids. So it is very efficiently kept in the food chain. To the point that Rev. 16:3, minus our acts of repentance — becomes our fate.
I offered to Rep. Elijah Cummings, that he is welcome to try and sentence me to chains and prison forever, under the Logan Act — right along side the good general. I am throwing a wrench into the gears of government to government action by pointing this out. There would go countless Trillions of dollars. But if you kill all normal life in the seas, the not so normal life there will decompose the dead fish into hydrogen sulfide gas (much as 500 million years ago) killing all life everywhere. From my prison cell, I could enjoy that life continues for the earth. And that would be quite good.
Whaaaaa? Bill, Katz would never do anything like that. He prefers the simple and direct approach to politics, such as kicking faces in.
Yes, our two hero/villains still of course have their own stories to tell. But I am the sort of fellow, who when he sees a truck roll over — gets himself drenched in leaking fuel to offer comfort and so-on to the trapped. A fool? Yes indeed. But good news for those pinned helpless — at least that day, and at least that moment. To shower in diesel fuel is most strange. I wondered at the design of the inverted fuel cylinder. I wondered if I had choices save to stand under it with a large pickle bucket — keeping the passengers from their being drenched. And was that somehow training for the bigger leak that was in the previous post. The super toxin warned by a sage long ago, of killing entire oceans. Scripture only gave but one sentence to it. That powerful, but merely one sentence. At that point, guardian angels may have reached their limit. One such angel in “Supernatural” suggested that his true size was that of The Chrysler Building. That at over a thousand feet tall would be most impressive. But the collective oceans of the world are over 160 million cubic miles in volume. If a great angel like Castiel couldn’t save the day, then how could a man not up to even merely his ankle do it?
Ahh… Not to change the subject or anything… But here’s a li’l preview of our next tolerably exciting page…
Didn’t notice till seeing it now in b&w, but…she’s with the LAPD?
That’s the LAPDCD. Robert… The Cosplay Division, tasked with combatting costumed villains and copyright infringements…
Wow. Up above she just looks like a girl out having fun doing her job. Now down here with Frankie she looks more like there’s something personal going on. IS there something personal going on? (Sweet mystery of life at last I’ve found you…”) Guess we’ll just have to wait and see.
Maybe Frankie did something stupid like copping a feel.
I can’t help but notice that Franky is another and story-wise older version of an AI. The man of many parts was of course the idea of classic writer Mary W. Shelly. The idea was that a Dr. Frankenstein pushed the limits of science to discover a life animating electricity-like force that could even reanimate various parts stored in glass jars of preservatives. Surgery was sufficient to remove the lust to kill from the monster’s re-used brain. But not even Dr. Frankenstein could give him a sense of “right and wrong” or a soul. That was left for the monster to work out. If he could. But with the matter of messing pointlessly with WW III in say Ukraine do we know right from wrong one bit better?
A point to notice is that while some men might manage to say lift up the wheels of a car the few seconds necessary to change out a flat tire, that Dr. Frankenstein gave his creation sufficient strength to heft the whole car from the ground and maybe toss it. And why did he do that?
So Franky may be super strong, and in some sense indestructible (well new parts attach via the mysterious force, minus noticeable rejection), and that force of nature possibly makes him immortal aside from once again winding up in separate jars of preservative once again. And Dr. Frankenstein, likely with a personality like TV’s Dr. House, did not have the bedside manner to deal with Franky’s anger management issues.
Some sort of conflict between Franky and Moxie. Franky has his super strength and durability, and as part of a gang his set of strong desires. Against all of that Moxie should by rights be in trouble. But it is Moxie that has “vision”. And it is “vision” that is stronger than super powers. Or at least with Franky, she is the one pounding him into the dirt.
But at some point I hope that Moxie says or gestures that she doesn’t hate him, but rather she hates his criminal intentions or actions. The invaders intend to kill everything that lives — and that sort of includes him.
The AI’s are more or less programs that can hop from one (suitable) device to another. That our NSA stored their AI in a huge black-box was more for public perception than for function. Any standard bank of 1950’s type lab equipment shelving would also have worked.
But the AI that Bunz and Katz are working for might see the AI that is Franky as a potential up-grade. There is little down-side to the super strength element. Their habit is to ask or command others to do things for them. However they might like the thought of doing things for themselves, as a change of pace. And Dr. Frankenstein was an anomaly. The AI are super smart as regards things like directing combat or in playing chess. In an instant they have computed all possible moves. It makes the game not a game when you do that. They present the front of being “all knowing”. But they aren’t. Dr. Frankenstein by some intuitive thought discovered his “new element of nature”. The machines try to fake having that kind of smarts — so as to better rule over everyone else. The existence of Franky a reminder to them as to what is messing in their make-up.
One potential solution to what bugs them, is that they could lay claim to the new force by displacing Dr. Frankenstein’s AI presence with their own. If they could wear the body of the monster, as their own property, they might gain a new set of bragging rights. [This sort a theme between a conflict between angels (gargoyles) and more traditional demons in a recent movie.]
But as in the movie, Franky might have a differing view. And would it not be ironic if it isn’t Moxie’s fist of fury that that impressed him more, but of her words of kindness. Monsters don’t much expect kindness.
It is well past time for a new chapter in this continuing saga. After all, when there is a delay, we get endless, mindless rants. Come on Josh, get with it please.
Oh I wouldn’t call ’em mindless… ;->
(Don’t push on Josh. He just sorta retracts into his shell.)
Bonne Lundi Gras!