Seems events may be taking a nasty turn, as Miz LeChat “Lawyers Up”… Will she “Walk”, or does Katz have a plan? (I mean, it’s fairly obvious that Bunz doesn’t)… Perhaps we’ll all find out Next Bat Temp Time…
Holy Harassment, Tempfans! That is one Portentiously PO’ed Puppy there! The only thing saving our Charlatan Chief from a truly Monumental Mauling is the fact that he has Bunz’s behind to hide behind…
The cop pointed out a problem where Bunz landed her space craft. In places that have a high density of lawyers, “truth” becomes plastic. In other places with fewer lawyers, its still common for your yes to remain yes and your no to remain no. Uh, no particular offense to uh citizen 3D Puppy, but other places would recognize the argument that she is still 3D Kitty.
Everyone, did you notice the latest AI joke? The poor old NSA, maybe using the worshipful giant Black Cube to develop a secret program — to do only good of course, had it stolen and wound up doing only Loki-level mischief across half the planet. Or may the chubby tyrant in North Korea, as a sort of Asian Dr. Doom unleashed it all on the planet. Ah, if only his genius could be harnessed for the doing of good.
“An Asian Dr. Doom”, that’s actually pretty apt. He’s definitely got his very own little Asian “latveria” going on over there, he’s menacing his neighbors and holding world peace for ransom with his sinister rocket program too. Not so much in the menacing appearance department – pudgy little goober-looking dude. Needs a cool outfit and a mask.
Dr. Doom once upon a time developed and released a special gas that allowed him to take over the world. It had one drawback. Everyone everywhere now worked for Dr. Doom, but didn’t consciously know it. It was no fun. Too easy.
The tyrant in North Korea seemed to like part of Doom’s idea. Here he developed his own “patent pending” (I’m not kidding) version of nerve gas. He has (I suppose) a unique marketing idea. Other such weapons are delivered by rocket, artillery shell, or dropped bombs. This clever guy has invented the method of delivery by means of rattle paint can-like sort of system. Other methods are too much weapons of mass destruction, that require state figures to use it, or to counter it. Thus you only have a limited market. Who would want to take on some country’s marines?
The tyrant noticed an untapped potential market. Gangs like MS-13 seem to specialize in killing only a few people at a time — but seem to like to being spectacular in their methods. Often simply shooting someone to death lacks their intended effect. The tyrant saw a new potential market. Spray your target with a patented nerve agent in a bug bomb can. Brilliant. You are not (for the most part) killing a lot of people, and attracting government agencies. But you arguably cause local terror. And there would be a market for such a weapon that looks like every other spray can under your sink. Another market might develop for the counter chemical agents to the nerve gas.
The world’s only hope: that making and delivering and storing such cans of toxin, is cost prohibitive.
The genesis of his idea is worth noting. General Douglas MacArthur had an epiphany-like idea to attack North Korea during seasonal and weather cycles from the east, that might only happen about two days out of the year. That attack worked! Properly it should have won him military honors in history books. Except … though he caught though he caught the bad guys off guard initially. They countered beautifully by suckering him into extending his supply lines, and making it look like they couldn’t stop his advances. Seasoned troops then closed his escape from their trap. He was shamed. He was definitely out-generalled that day. Another officer might have been graceful in defeat. Instead he treated it much like a poker game. He substantially upped the stakes. He with probably a lot of encouragement from the Pentagon said to the press: “Well … give me one or two hundred nukes, and I’ll take care of the problem.” He was treating these nuclear weapons as more or less a bug bomb … and the North Koreans as if but bugs to exterminate in mass. He was punished — he was fired. But his words were never removed. To this day the north never forgot them. They but quote such words, to justify the whole nation becoming one military camp. How to counter the words is obvious. But will we ever do it.
And here I’d thought that Captains Hawkeye Pierce, Trapper John McIntyre, B. J. Hunnicutt and Major Charles Emerson Winchester III of M*A*S*H 4077, brought the Korean war to an end by ridiculing it… After all what’s the fun of being a general with all your ribbons, stars and scrambled eggs on your hat, when people are laughing at your war??? It just ruins moral (for the Generals) if anyone is having fun instead of fighting – so they all slouched off in a huff and left the war unfinished…
But they DID manage to make a 2 year war last 11 years! You gotta give ’em an E for effort. (Dude, you left off everybody’s favorite WW1 vet – Col. Sherman Potter. My favorite character after that schnook Blake augured in.)
Well um… Humor takes a bit of time… Some people just don’t get it right off – especially the North Koreans!
By the way, I have evidence that Col. Potter actually did fight in World War One – or a WWI movie anyway… Anyone who doubts his claim, just check out “What Price Glory?” the 1952 remake, directed by John Ford… Wearing his “smokey hat” Harry Morgan even looks like the same character — though he’s not the star, a couple of nobodies, James Cagney and Dan Dailey are the featured players… you probably never heard of ’em…
Well B’O K – pithy as usual. (I’d really like to know what texts you studied the Korean War from.) But anyway, being rather dense, I just gotta know these magic words that will pull the rhetorical teeth of the Joung-Un. Because inquiring minds want to know! Fire when ready Gridley!
Billthesurely I got information from various sources. The intuitive part of my thinking would go outside of deductive thinking — when for no reason at all I’d say turn on a TV program on a topic that I didn’t know was on — or reach out my hand randomly (seeming) and start reading in the middle of a library book — without even looking at the title. I can’t much put that sort of thing in a box — the thinking that is. But I chose to look up the general. He was a man of genius, and formed a good bit of today’s world. I found a Wikipedia article very helpful.
He wasn’t always a recognized hero with whole piles of silver stars and other commendations. His starting days as a young office were more telling than the later complexes of war and hero worship that were to come.
In his first adventure as a young officer he formed a plan to obtain the use of a local train for the use of his attachment. The down side of the plan was that he never bothered to tell those that he nominally worked for about it. He checked out a small pile of government gold that he would need for the plan, and then left his quarters. Nearly alone. Had he asked, the higher officers might have had some objection — or more importantly sent a company of fighting men with him.
The adventure is recounted, mainly from the word of MacArthur and those civilian guides that survived it. A lot of bloodletting. The most noteworthy piece of evidence was his battle coat, which had four bullet holes in it. Yet MacArthur had not even a scratch on him.
A brilliant idea (perhaps). But if he brought others into it, fewer people, if any might have died. And his coat wouldn’t have bullet holes. No piles of medals that day.
It occurred me that even Luke McCain the mythic Rifle Man would have a hard time hitting the general’s coat 4 times and not hit the general (then a lesser officer) even once.
As for the words to say to the north, that might just shut down the whole conflict. There are no particular words. But the meta-words should come to any speech writer. They have had decade upon decade to work on them. Now that 50 million people in the south might be attacked and 25 million people in the north might be counter attacked — is it not the right time to risk giving forth a handful of words. You can always go back to conflict should they fail.
What words, or what meta-words need the saying or the crafting? You don’t need someone like Dr. Kissinger for this one. Maybe just your Bible and your heart. Did not a sage in it say as a general rule of life: Treat others as you would wish to be treated. The often repeated, but not so much observed “Golden Rule”.
As a starting point of what to say, ask what you would long to hear if you were in the shoes of your enemy? There is a sort of irony here. We have two batches of enemies, the North Koreans and the Iranians, both wishing to pick a bone with us (perhaps one taken from our side’s). The Iranians seek justice for what Ronald Wilson Reagan did (or maybe more importantly did not do for them). And the North Koreans who just might want to believe in a God (they have quite obviously crafted a chubby substitute), see much hypocrisy in the God/man MacArthur who daily recited the ideal of forgiving others as they also forgive your sins (or slights). Was it not a slight it suggest vaporizing whole cities of them as if bugs? Note: that is on your enemy’s last to-do wish list item before MacArthur’s prophecy becomes true. An irony, these are a people quite detached from a sky God or Creator, but see in MacArthur quite clearly a man/God. When we put him in charge over the man/God of Japan — so did we. I think in the cited Wikipedia article there is a picture of the God/man ruler of Japan standing side by side with the towering MacArthur. It sort of says it all. Basically for the utility of it the general placed any sins of the emperor on the heads of say his generals, and forbid by law the questing of that ruling from the Japanese or us. Not even all the power of our three branches of government can do such a thing, and make it stick. The North Koreans saw the truth if we missed it: this guy was using the authority of a man/God. This other man/God looked in the photo as if his shoeshine boy. And they were next.
What did Ronald Wilson Reagan do, but much more importantly didn’t he do? Simple Stan Smith (American Dad) sang a beautiful song, an ode to Oliver North that summarized the high points. The song showed old 666’er kept his word over “arms for hostages”. But … as with the unfortunate re-ordering of the letters of his name, fulfilled the verse “Insane Anglo Warlord”. He fulfilled it not so much in what he did, but in what he did not do.
He did NOT remember the words of “The Beatitudes” recorded in say Matthew. On a silver tray he had a supreme moment to be a “peace maker” as in that script, and turned it down. At the very least he could have said to the two parties in conflict: war over an island that’s over a pool of oil isn’t really rational if both of you have entire seas of oil under your respective lands. Exactly as in the song, Reagan gave landmines to Sadam, and his harmless nation. And in Iran maybe 1 or 2 million children lost their lives digging them out. [In the news may be a repeat of that thinking. Godzillia/Trump greased the path for a ME super-deal by allowing Saudi Arabia to buy (gulp) 100 Billion dollars of weapons. God I hope he knows what he is doing.]
So, an obvious man/God, who worked for us slighted the human status of the North Koreans to the degree they want to do the same towards us. That the obvious objective of the nukes, the various delivery systems, and the poison gas ear-marked apparently to market to those like ms-13. They are non-state actors but with plenty of other people’s cash — and are themselves credibly a kind of death cult.
Interesting that ms-13 started out in California approximately the same location and time that Reagan had the CIA and others in the 1980’s push drugs in the streets. No accident I think that their beginnings were associated with the dragging of a priest from his altar, chaining him to a rock — and while he yet lived had his guts cut out and spilled to the earth. It was their sort (by different names of course) that the various holy people were killed. They preached against drugs for guns and the like.
Do we ever learn a darn thing? Those words aren’t so much magic as they are truth. And should we speak them, they will no return without effect. Your heart has enough such words, if you let them come out.
Seems events may be taking a nasty turn, as Miz LeChat “Lawyers Up”… Will she “Walk”, or does Katz have a plan? (I mean, it’s fairly obvious that Bunz doesn’t)… Perhaps we’ll all find out Next Bat Temp Time…
That cop’s taking advantage of that opportunity – no wonder he’s the chief!
Holy Harassment, Tempfans! That is one Portentiously PO’ed Puppy there! The only thing saving our Charlatan Chief from a truly Monumental Mauling is the fact that he has Bunz’s behind to hide behind…
Officer Donut is taking all the fun out of law enforcement…
The cop pointed out a problem where Bunz landed her space craft. In places that have a high density of lawyers, “truth” becomes plastic. In other places with fewer lawyers, its still common for your yes to remain yes and your no to remain no. Uh, no particular offense to uh citizen 3D Puppy, but other places would recognize the argument that she is still 3D Kitty.
“Mustn’t lay a finger on this innocent poochie”?!? Yeah right. If he had any more fingers on her she’d be the yellow pages.
(Wow. Talk about dated.)
He’s got more fingers on her than a teenager’s I-phone.
(More up to date but kinda lame.)
Crud. My humor bone is busted.
Everyone, did you notice the latest AI joke? The poor old NSA, maybe using the worshipful giant Black Cube to develop a secret program — to do only good of course, had it stolen and wound up doing only Loki-level mischief across half the planet. Or may the chubby tyrant in North Korea, as a sort of Asian Dr. Doom unleashed it all on the planet. Ah, if only his genius could be harnessed for the doing of good.
“An Asian Dr. Doom”, that’s actually pretty apt. He’s definitely got his very own little Asian “latveria” going on over there, he’s menacing his neighbors and holding world peace for ransom with his sinister rocket program too. Not so much in the menacing appearance department – pudgy little goober-looking dude. Needs a cool outfit and a mask.
Dr. Doom once upon a time developed and released a special gas that allowed him to take over the world. It had one drawback. Everyone everywhere now worked for Dr. Doom, but didn’t consciously know it. It was no fun. Too easy.
The tyrant in North Korea seemed to like part of Doom’s idea. Here he developed his own “patent pending” (I’m not kidding) version of nerve gas. He has (I suppose) a unique marketing idea. Other such weapons are delivered by rocket, artillery shell, or dropped bombs. This clever guy has invented the method of delivery by means of rattle paint can-like sort of system. Other methods are too much weapons of mass destruction, that require state figures to use it, or to counter it. Thus you only have a limited market. Who would want to take on some country’s marines?
The tyrant noticed an untapped potential market. Gangs like MS-13 seem to specialize in killing only a few people at a time — but seem to like to being spectacular in their methods. Often simply shooting someone to death lacks their intended effect. The tyrant saw a new potential market. Spray your target with a patented nerve agent in a bug bomb can. Brilliant. You are not (for the most part) killing a lot of people, and attracting government agencies. But you arguably cause local terror. And there would be a market for such a weapon that looks like every other spray can under your sink. Another market might develop for the counter chemical agents to the nerve gas.
The world’s only hope: that making and delivering and storing such cans of toxin, is cost prohibitive.
The genesis of his idea is worth noting. General Douglas MacArthur had an epiphany-like idea to attack North Korea during seasonal and weather cycles from the east, that might only happen about two days out of the year. That attack worked! Properly it should have won him military honors in history books. Except … though he caught though he caught the bad guys off guard initially. They countered beautifully by suckering him into extending his supply lines, and making it look like they couldn’t stop his advances. Seasoned troops then closed his escape from their trap. He was shamed. He was definitely out-generalled that day. Another officer might have been graceful in defeat. Instead he treated it much like a poker game. He substantially upped the stakes. He with probably a lot of encouragement from the Pentagon said to the press: “Well … give me one or two hundred nukes, and I’ll take care of the problem.” He was treating these nuclear weapons as more or less a bug bomb … and the North Koreans as if but bugs to exterminate in mass. He was punished — he was fired. But his words were never removed. To this day the north never forgot them. They but quote such words, to justify the whole nation becoming one military camp. How to counter the words is obvious. But will we ever do it.
And here I’d thought that Captains Hawkeye Pierce, Trapper John McIntyre, B. J. Hunnicutt and Major Charles Emerson Winchester III of M*A*S*H 4077, brought the Korean war to an end by ridiculing it… After all what’s the fun of being a general with all your ribbons, stars and scrambled eggs on your hat, when people are laughing at your war??? It just ruins moral (for the Generals) if anyone is having fun instead of fighting – so they all slouched off in a huff and left the war unfinished…
But they DID manage to make a 2 year war last 11 years! You gotta give ’em an E for effort. (Dude, you left off everybody’s favorite WW1 vet – Col. Sherman Potter. My favorite character after that schnook Blake augured in.)
Well um… Humor takes a bit of time… Some people just don’t get it right off – especially the North Koreans!
By the way, I have evidence that Col. Potter actually did fight in World War One – or a WWI movie anyway… Anyone who doubts his claim, just check out “What Price Glory?” the 1952 remake, directed by John Ford… Wearing his “smokey hat” Harry Morgan even looks like the same character — though he’s not the star, a couple of nobodies, James Cagney and Dan Dailey are the featured players… you probably never heard of ’em…
He was also a general in the Civil War—and not just any general, but General Grant. Check out “How the West Was Won.”
Well B’O K – pithy as usual. (I’d really like to know what texts you studied the Korean War from.) But anyway, being rather dense, I just gotta know these magic words that will pull the rhetorical teeth of the Joung-Un. Because inquiring minds want to know! Fire when ready Gridley!
Billthesurely I got information from various sources. The intuitive part of my thinking would go outside of deductive thinking — when for no reason at all I’d say turn on a TV program on a topic that I didn’t know was on — or reach out my hand randomly (seeming) and start reading in the middle of a library book — without even looking at the title. I can’t much put that sort of thing in a box — the thinking that is. But I chose to look up the general. He was a man of genius, and formed a good bit of today’s world. I found a Wikipedia article very helpful.
He wasn’t always a recognized hero with whole piles of silver stars and other commendations. His starting days as a young office were more telling than the later complexes of war and hero worship that were to come.
In his first adventure as a young officer he formed a plan to obtain the use of a local train for the use of his attachment. The down side of the plan was that he never bothered to tell those that he nominally worked for about it. He checked out a small pile of government gold that he would need for the plan, and then left his quarters. Nearly alone. Had he asked, the higher officers might have had some objection — or more importantly sent a company of fighting men with him.
The adventure is recounted, mainly from the word of MacArthur and those civilian guides that survived it. A lot of bloodletting. The most noteworthy piece of evidence was his battle coat, which had four bullet holes in it. Yet MacArthur had not even a scratch on him.
A brilliant idea (perhaps). But if he brought others into it, fewer people, if any might have died. And his coat wouldn’t have bullet holes. No piles of medals that day.
It occurred me that even Luke McCain the mythic Rifle Man would have a hard time hitting the general’s coat 4 times and not hit the general (then a lesser officer) even once.
As for the words to say to the north, that might just shut down the whole conflict. There are no particular words. But the meta-words should come to any speech writer. They have had decade upon decade to work on them. Now that 50 million people in the south might be attacked and 25 million people in the north might be counter attacked — is it not the right time to risk giving forth a handful of words. You can always go back to conflict should they fail.
What words, or what meta-words need the saying or the crafting? You don’t need someone like Dr. Kissinger for this one. Maybe just your Bible and your heart. Did not a sage in it say as a general rule of life: Treat others as you would wish to be treated. The often repeated, but not so much observed “Golden Rule”.
As a starting point of what to say, ask what you would long to hear if you were in the shoes of your enemy? There is a sort of irony here. We have two batches of enemies, the North Koreans and the Iranians, both wishing to pick a bone with us (perhaps one taken from our side’s). The Iranians seek justice for what Ronald Wilson Reagan did (or maybe more importantly did not do for them). And the North Koreans who just might want to believe in a God (they have quite obviously crafted a chubby substitute), see much hypocrisy in the God/man MacArthur who daily recited the ideal of forgiving others as they also forgive your sins (or slights). Was it not a slight it suggest vaporizing whole cities of them as if bugs? Note: that is on your enemy’s last to-do wish list item before MacArthur’s prophecy becomes true. An irony, these are a people quite detached from a sky God or Creator, but see in MacArthur quite clearly a man/God. When we put him in charge over the man/God of Japan — so did we. I think in the cited Wikipedia article there is a picture of the God/man ruler of Japan standing side by side with the towering MacArthur. It sort of says it all. Basically for the utility of it the general placed any sins of the emperor on the heads of say his generals, and forbid by law the questing of that ruling from the Japanese or us. Not even all the power of our three branches of government can do such a thing, and make it stick. The North Koreans saw the truth if we missed it: this guy was using the authority of a man/God. This other man/God looked in the photo as if his shoeshine boy. And they were next.
What did Ronald Wilson Reagan do, but much more importantly didn’t he do? Simple Stan Smith (American Dad) sang a beautiful song, an ode to Oliver North that summarized the high points. The song showed old 666’er kept his word over “arms for hostages”. But … as with the unfortunate re-ordering of the letters of his name, fulfilled the verse “Insane Anglo Warlord”. He fulfilled it not so much in what he did, but in what he did not do.
He did NOT remember the words of “The Beatitudes” recorded in say Matthew. On a silver tray he had a supreme moment to be a “peace maker” as in that script, and turned it down. At the very least he could have said to the two parties in conflict: war over an island that’s over a pool of oil isn’t really rational if both of you have entire seas of oil under your respective lands. Exactly as in the song, Reagan gave landmines to Sadam, and his harmless nation. And in Iran maybe 1 or 2 million children lost their lives digging them out. [In the news may be a repeat of that thinking. Godzillia/Trump greased the path for a ME super-deal by allowing Saudi Arabia to buy (gulp) 100 Billion dollars of weapons. God I hope he knows what he is doing.]
So, an obvious man/God, who worked for us slighted the human status of the North Koreans to the degree they want to do the same towards us. That the obvious objective of the nukes, the various delivery systems, and the poison gas ear-marked apparently to market to those like ms-13. They are non-state actors but with plenty of other people’s cash — and are themselves credibly a kind of death cult.
Interesting that ms-13 started out in California approximately the same location and time that Reagan had the CIA and others in the 1980’s push drugs in the streets. No accident I think that their beginnings were associated with the dragging of a priest from his altar, chaining him to a rock — and while he yet lived had his guts cut out and spilled to the earth. It was their sort (by different names of course) that the various holy people were killed. They preached against drugs for guns and the like.
Do we ever learn a darn thing? Those words aren’t so much magic as they are truth. And should we speak them, they will no return without effect. Your heart has enough such words, if you let them come out.
Thanks Bill. Cleared that up.
Would it be ok if I just said I like the comic and avoid the discussion?
To go along to get along is somewhat less than the ideal of being the Lord of Chaos one might at first blush think.
But that is part of my master plan.
Fiendishly clever.