Seems things are tough all over, Hurricanes in the Gulf, Wildfires in the west, Massive Earthquake in Mexico and I just spilled my coffee… Bunz, it seems is still in a jam as well, as events are turning grim in Golem City…
Incidentally, should you prefer a slightly less grisly version of the page, then try out this one for the Piddler’s Last Laugh…
Alas, poor Piddler! I knew him, Horatio: a fellow
of infinite bladder, of most excellent kidney: he hath
borne the flood a thousand times; and now, how
absorbent in my imagination it is! My cuffs roll up at
it. Here hung those Depends that have o’erflowed I know
not how oft. Where be your dribbles now? your
gushers? your flushers? your flashes of micturition,
that were wont to set the tables all afloat? Not one
now, to plug your own plumbing? quite drought-stricken?
Now get you to my lady’s chamber, and tell her, let
her pad an inch thick, to this damp disaster she must
come, an she laugh at that.
Nah, keep your Bowdlerized versions. Give me my wanton mayhem warts and all. Katz is still off stage somewhere. I had thought he was out working up the machinations of a brilliant and cunning plan but now I think he’s simply hiding in a closet until death departs the scene. Poor (?) Piddler, his flow of humor forever corked. Stoppered in his prime. Justice among thieves I’m thinking.
All the world’s a stage – and DoubleW hath boldly trod upon it. What is it that makes a well constructed parody so appreciated? Behold and he has crafted a perfect blend of Shakespeare and Quagmire. He has lifted a monologue in the perfect context, wittily re-phrased for his purpose and thereby put a big, fat grin on my face. Indeed, he has neatly and nearly up-staged our good host with his efforts. I applaud.
Don’t be concerned about Harvey’s estimated 27 to 33 Trillion gallons of water. Stacked up to Katrina’s 6.5 Trillion gallons of water. Greg Gutfeld assures us that concerns over increasing storm intensities are merely generated over “Anecdotal evidence” and anyone questioning it is merely un-scientific. He recommend gatering more “data, data and data” … that’s how it is done. While Dana Perino say, “well we can’t do anything anyway”. While Jessie Watters says, “Liberalism is about Guilt. Its answer is priest-like in giving the answer always as ‘We will control your life'”.
But is the inverse true as well, “Conservatism is about , not having Guilt [even to tripling the mercury in the ocean]. And not accepting that maybe they are sinners for doing so.”
Never mind snow flakes, that generate three times as much CO2 from power plants out of their state, so long as their state doesn’t directly put it up. There is a joke in all of this I’m sure.
RIP Cassini: This AM (Friday the 15th) the Space Probe Cassini took it’s last final plunge into the depths of Saturn… It was a hell of a mission and I’m going to miss ol’ Cassini! After all, without Cassini we wouldn’t have a story…
Speaking of – could this be a cover-up? Could Cassini have actually been shot down by the malevolent A.I.s on Iapetus??
It wasn’t “shot down” was it. It simply “disappeared into Saturn”. Sure it did. They nabbed it and now they’re studying it so that they will know more about us when then send the next Nega Fleet on it’s mission of ultimate destruction.
I mean, since the last one disappeared on Dirt without a trace some while back. And after they get all of the spare parts they have on order from the fleet support activity…
What’s with a prison dental program that gave the clown prince of crime sharks teeth rather than something more suited to rehabilitation? People wouldn’t think him friendly even if he tried to be.
Seems things are tough all over, Hurricanes in the Gulf, Wildfires in the west, Massive Earthquake in Mexico and I just spilled my coffee… Bunz, it seems is still in a jam as well, as events are turning grim in Golem City…
Incidentally, should you prefer a slightly less grisly version of the page, then try out this one for the Piddler’s Last Laugh…
Alas, poor Piddler! I knew him, Horatio: a fellow
of infinite bladder, of most excellent kidney: he hath
borne the flood a thousand times; and now, how
absorbent in my imagination it is! My cuffs roll up at
it. Here hung those Depends that have o’erflowed I know
not how oft. Where be your dribbles now? your
gushers? your flushers? your flashes of micturition,
that were wont to set the tables all afloat? Not one
now, to plug your own plumbing? quite drought-stricken?
Now get you to my lady’s chamber, and tell her, let
her pad an inch thick, to this damp disaster she must
come, an she laugh at that.
Nah, keep your Bowdlerized versions. Give me my wanton mayhem warts and all. Katz is still off stage somewhere. I had thought he was out working up the machinations of a brilliant and cunning plan but now I think he’s simply hiding in a closet until death departs the scene. Poor (?) Piddler, his flow of humor forever corked. Stoppered in his prime. Justice among thieves I’m thinking.
All the world’s a stage – and DoubleW hath boldly trod upon it. What is it that makes a well constructed parody so appreciated? Behold and he has crafted a perfect blend of Shakespeare and Quagmire. He has lifted a monologue in the perfect context, wittily re-phrased for his purpose and thereby put a big, fat grin on my face. Indeed, he has neatly and nearly up-staged our good host with his efforts. I applaud.
Crumb will never kill da wabbit – he didn’t bring his spear and magic helmet.
Don’t be concerned about Harvey’s estimated 27 to 33 Trillion gallons of water. Stacked up to Katrina’s 6.5 Trillion gallons of water. Greg Gutfeld assures us that concerns over increasing storm intensities are merely generated over “Anecdotal evidence” and anyone questioning it is merely un-scientific. He recommend gatering more “data, data and data” … that’s how it is done. While Dana Perino say, “well we can’t do anything anyway”. While Jessie Watters says, “Liberalism is about Guilt. Its answer is priest-like in giving the answer always as ‘We will control your life'”.
But is the inverse true as well, “Conservatism is about , not having Guilt [even to tripling the mercury in the ocean]. And not accepting that maybe they are sinners for doing so.”
Never mind snow flakes, that generate three times as much CO2 from power plants out of their state, so long as their state doesn’t directly put it up. There is a joke in all of this I’m sure.
Well, I suppose a discussion of “floods” has some peripheral connection with the late Piddler…
RIP Cassini: This AM (Friday the 15th) the Space Probe Cassini took it’s last final plunge into the depths of Saturn… It was a hell of a mission and I’m going to miss ol’ Cassini! After all, without Cassini we wouldn’t have a story…
Speaking of – could this be a cover-up? Could Cassini have actually been shot down by the malevolent A.I.s on Iapetus??
It wasn’t “shot down” was it. It simply “disappeared into Saturn”. Sure it did. They nabbed it and now they’re studying it so that they will know more about us when then send the next Nega Fleet on it’s mission of ultimate destruction.
I mean, since the last one disappeared on Dirt without a trace some while back. And after they get all of the spare parts they have on order from the fleet support activity…
What’s with a prison dental program that gave the clown prince of crime sharks teeth rather than something more suited to rehabilitation? People wouldn’t think him friendly even if he tried to be.
Actually, he got them in the prison sawmill… recycled bandsaw blades. Plays hell on his tongue when he sounds his “th’s.”
No wonder he’s so grouchy!
A thought just attacked me… the cork in Crummy’s gun shouldn’t kill any one. Hurt like crazy, yes, but kill, no.