Seems it’s jus’ one darn thing after another, doesn’t it? Now where do ya ‘spose all them guns an’ such got to?? Well, I’m moderately certain that they all found their way to new an’ responsible owners – aren’t you?
After all, this is a respectable law abidin’ comix… So we certainly wouldn’t want a whole shopping cart full of assault weapons an’ ammo ta get inta the hands of some despicable destructive No-Good types who might do most anything irresponsible with ’em… You do believe that don’t you? (I may need a character witness or two)… In the meanwhiest, let’s hope that someone rounds up the “Usual Suspects” an’ beats confessions out of ’em!
Hmm, would the great hero and icon, now president of the NRA have some awe inspiring words of wisdom about the shopping cart worth of weapons? Don’t we have a right and responsibility to defend out great country? Maybe so. But despite her cute school girl looks, aren’t we to defend again Bunz?
Well, good ol’ Ollie might have snaffled the cart… After all, he has lotsa experience in gun-running to nasty customers… then fibbing about it… then taking the fall for good ol’ Ronnie Reagan, the first of our “post-truth” Presidents… Maybe history is repeating itself? If you’re too young to know that history, just Google “Iran-Contra Scandal”… then after you read all about it, go back to bed and hide under the covers until it’s all over…
Well heck, a cartload of un-traceable guns and ammo on the open market in the Los Angeles underground/gang scene? Worth a tidy sum no doubt. Don’t know about the long arms though. Gangs don’t usually whack each other with long guns. Too hard to carry around, conceal and get rid of.
No what much more likely happened is that a couple of Maryknoll nuns wandered by and found this abandoned cart full of untended guns and decided to take this unquestionably divine gift to the nearest gun show (in Nevada) and sell them to people who would appreciate them (rabid, homicidal, neocon, reactionary, frothing-at-the-mouth, wild-eyed, lawless NRA types) in order to support an orphanage in the people’s paradise of Nicaragua.
Sooooo… anybody watch the sun rise at Stonehenge this morning? Midsummer solstice and all that. Today is the longest day of the year – take advantage of it. Mow the lawn after 8 PM. Go to your nearest Londoner Pub and have a “Druid” or two.
In Sacramento California I’m told, they have something similar to those great stone megaliths of Stonehenge – It’s called the Great Stone Head of California – a rock hewn bust of former governor Ronald Reagan (modeled after his own calcified brain and heart)… Legend has it, that if the bust sees it’s own shadow on Solstice morn, it will either defund state mental hospitals and throw the patients out on the streets, sell guns for drugs to third world dictators or invade Grenada…
I presume this is on the grounds of the National Cathedral of St. Ronnie, in Orange County… where, rumor has it, high priests attired in Armani suits sacrificed human brains every Election Day…
Reagan? You mean that guy who was elected president almost 50 years ago? (And governor of California in ’67?) You sound just like those people who still want to blame all of the ills of modern America on the policies and decisions of FDR. (or Woodrow Wilson… Thomas Jefferson…he owned SLAVES you know. Ought to be dug up and reburied in a cesspit somewhere the bastard.) Because it would have been impossible to re-fund those state hospitals sometime in the intervening 50 years right? Somehow, despite the obvious moral imperative for doing so, nobody ever did. I wonder why?
So why not poke fun at a vile old reprobate like Reagan? Though he may be gone, far too many of his execrable policies still inflict the American public… Would you like a list?
That aside, if you wish to knock Jefferson as a hypocrite and slave owner, go right ahead – and while you’re at it, George Washington and Ben Franklin as well… However, at least Franklin saw his own error and eventually became an abolitionist, while Washington benefited from the forced labor of his slaves all his life, only freeing them upon his death – but Jefferson didn’t even go that far…
I think both Reagan and Trump are perfectly fair game for humorous barbs (in fact I think Trump actually likes the barbs). More than one president cut out and collected political jokes that were at their own expense. Perhaps feeling that even bad press is better than no press.
But the ACLU was brought up. You know that they have even defended the civil rights of even people that they don’t like. Rather a test of that might be with Trump. Will the ACLU see fit to defend the civil rights of citizen Trump that were obviously walled all over by the Deep State? There would be considerable humor in a liberal group forced by their own ethic, to defend a conservative private citizen (which at that time he was).
Aw c’mon, don’t be a spoil-sport! Go’wan an’ say something mean about Jefferson (the founder of the Democratic Party) You know that you want too!
Then you might go on to mention Prez Grant, the original Republican Presidential poster boy for political corruption… Or Richard (“I am Not a Crook!”) Nixon, who took GOP presidential corruption to whole new levels… Only to be surpassed by both Ronald (“I am not… ahh, what was the question?”) Reagan and George (“I am too Stupid to be a Crook”) Bush Junior… All Outstanding examples of Grand Old Perfidy for the Chump to aspire to – and he may yet surpass them all!
No I’m afraid I was quite serious. This modern tendency to hold historical figures, however great – and Jefferson was one of the greatest, to modern moral standards is ridiculous. Now some twit is running around saying young Albert Einstein was a racist because he seems to have held the same views as every other educated European of the early 1920’s. They’re doing (have done) the same thing to Jefferson.
Original GOP poster boy for corruption? I thought that was Harding. Grant was neither educationally nor temperamentally prepared to be president and while being personally honest he was surrounded by individuals who were using the Reconstruction Era to run corruption up to the maximum. Meter was pegged out and smokin’. You left Harding out altogether. Slowing down in your old age there Josh? 😉
Josh, understand the difference between interpolation and extrapolation. In matters of science Al Gore demonstrated it. He warned us with a gigantic graph of where the temperature of the earth might go in a fixed time frame. Well it don’t go there. Extrapolation dropped the bouncing ball. His intentions were good and noble, but he didn’t have the basis for his assertion.
Seemingly you are trying to use interpolation with a prediction about Trump. Interpolation as a method is generally safe. In between some known points, you seek an estimation for some mid-location point. If things aren’t radical that often works. Your common factor is the greed and corruption of politicians (were you cite perhaps Republicans as your base). But note clearly, that Trump is to say the least, by any standard among presidents exceptionally radical. And exceptionally rich already. Hence to judge were he winds up in history has to be very much a matter of extrapolation.
Also, time, and time, and time again all his critics were wrong about where he could go, or what he could do. As a joking remark that Trump said, “Why do all the “elites” seem to think they are so elite? Aren’t I richer than them, aren’t I smarter then them (as my predictions work out, and theirs generally don’t), and finally aren’t I the president, and they are not? So … just how are they so “elite”?”
And he’s MODEST, too! He’s radically modest. The most modest guy you’ll ever meet. His modesty is off the chart. His personal doctor says he is incredibly modest for a man his age!
When you are someone who technically is apparently bragging, can it be that even so that you are still exceptionally “modest”? In Trump’s case maybe so. When he might claim to be smarter than his critics. The critics might be assuming that he thinks that he might have a 10% edge on them. But in reality he is doing something like 3-D chess. He might be out thinking them by more like ten fold. So this sort of taxi driver talking/president might be actually modest by that sort of measure.
Seems it’s jus’ one darn thing after another, doesn’t it? Now where do ya ‘spose all them guns an’ such got to?? Well, I’m moderately certain that they all found their way to new an’ responsible owners – aren’t you?
After all, this is a respectable law abidin’ comix… So we certainly wouldn’t want a whole shopping cart full of assault weapons an’ ammo ta get inta the hands of some despicable destructive No-Good types who might do most anything irresponsible with ’em… You do believe that don’t you? (I may need a character witness or two)… In the meanwhiest, let’s hope that someone rounds up the “Usual Suspects” an’ beats confessions out of ’em!
Hmm, would the great hero and icon, now president of the NRA have some awe inspiring words of wisdom about the shopping cart worth of weapons? Don’t we have a right and responsibility to defend out great country? Maybe so. But despite her cute school girl looks, aren’t we to defend again Bunz?
Well, good ol’ Ollie might have snaffled the cart… After all, he has lotsa experience in gun-running to nasty customers… then fibbing about it… then taking the fall for good ol’ Ronnie Reagan, the first of our “post-truth” Presidents… Maybe history is repeating itself? If you’re too young to know that history, just Google “Iran-Contra Scandal”… then after you read all about it, go back to bed and hide under the covers until it’s all over…
Yeah, an’ maybe it was the Tooth Fairy, who’d peddle all them weepuns to raise the cash to leave under kids’ pillows whenever they shed a fang…
Well heck, a cartload of un-traceable guns and ammo on the open market in the Los Angeles underground/gang scene? Worth a tidy sum no doubt. Don’t know about the long arms though. Gangs don’t usually whack each other with long guns. Too hard to carry around, conceal and get rid of.
No what much more likely happened is that a couple of Maryknoll nuns wandered by and found this abandoned cart full of untended guns and decided to take this unquestionably divine gift to the nearest gun show (in Nevada) and sell them to people who would appreciate them (rabid, homicidal, neocon, reactionary, frothing-at-the-mouth, wild-eyed, lawless NRA types) in order to support an orphanage in the people’s paradise of Nicaragua.
Wow, bad neighborhood!
Sooooo… anybody watch the sun rise at Stonehenge this morning? Midsummer solstice and all that. Today is the longest day of the year – take advantage of it. Mow the lawn after 8 PM. Go to your nearest Londoner Pub and have a “Druid” or two.
In Sacramento California I’m told, they have something similar to those great stone megaliths of Stonehenge – It’s called the Great Stone Head of California – a rock hewn bust of former governor Ronald Reagan (modeled after his own calcified brain and heart)… Legend has it, that if the bust sees it’s own shadow on Solstice morn, it will either defund state mental hospitals and throw the patients out on the streets, sell guns for drugs to third world dictators or invade Grenada…
I presume this is on the grounds of the National Cathedral of St. Ronnie, in Orange County… where, rumor has it, high priests attired in Armani suits sacrificed human brains every Election Day…
Reagan? You mean that guy who was elected president almost 50 years ago? (And governor of California in ’67?) You sound just like those people who still want to blame all of the ills of modern America on the policies and decisions of FDR. (or Woodrow Wilson… Thomas Jefferson…he owned SLAVES you know. Ought to be dug up and reburied in a cesspit somewhere the bastard.) Because it would have been impossible to re-fund those state hospitals sometime in the intervening 50 years right? Somehow, despite the obvious moral imperative for doing so, nobody ever did. I wonder why?
I refer you to this article from the ACLU’s own website;
And this from the NYT;
So why not poke fun at a vile old reprobate like Reagan? Though he may be gone, far too many of his execrable policies still inflict the American public… Would you like a list?
That aside, if you wish to knock Jefferson as a hypocrite and slave owner, go right ahead – and while you’re at it, George Washington and Ben Franklin as well… However, at least Franklin saw his own error and eventually became an abolitionist, while Washington benefited from the forced labor of his slaves all his life, only freeing them upon his death – but Jefferson didn’t even go that far…
I think both Reagan and Trump are perfectly fair game for humorous barbs (in fact I think Trump actually likes the barbs). More than one president cut out and collected political jokes that were at their own expense. Perhaps feeling that even bad press is better than no press.
But the ACLU was brought up. You know that they have even defended the civil rights of even people that they don’t like. Rather a test of that might be with Trump. Will the ACLU see fit to defend the civil rights of citizen Trump that were obviously walled all over by the Deep State? There would be considerable humor in a liberal group forced by their own ethic, to defend a conservative private citizen (which at that time he was).
Or… roll over in bed, squint at the clock, curse the chattering birds and the neighbor’s screeching dog, and go back to sleep.
Gentlemen – the knock on Jefferson is a devise called “illustrating absurdity by being absurd”.
Aw c’mon, don’t be a spoil-sport! Go’wan an’ say something mean about Jefferson (the founder of the Democratic Party) You know that you want too!
Then you might go on to mention Prez Grant, the original Republican Presidential poster boy for political corruption… Or Richard (“I am Not a Crook!”) Nixon, who took GOP presidential corruption to whole new levels… Only to be surpassed by both Ronald (“I am not… ahh, what was the question?”) Reagan and George (“I am too Stupid to be a Crook”) Bush Junior… All Outstanding examples of Grand Old Perfidy for the Chump to aspire to – and he may yet surpass them all!
No I’m afraid I was quite serious. This modern tendency to hold historical figures, however great – and Jefferson was one of the greatest, to modern moral standards is ridiculous. Now some twit is running around saying young Albert Einstein was a racist because he seems to have held the same views as every other educated European of the early 1920’s. They’re doing (have done) the same thing to Jefferson.
Original GOP poster boy for corruption? I thought that was Harding. Grant was neither educationally nor temperamentally prepared to be president and while being personally honest he was surrounded by individuals who were using the Reconstruction Era to run corruption up to the maximum. Meter was pegged out and smokin’. You left Harding out altogether. Slowing down in your old age there Josh? 😉
Josh, understand the difference between interpolation and extrapolation. In matters of science Al Gore demonstrated it. He warned us with a gigantic graph of where the temperature of the earth might go in a fixed time frame. Well it don’t go there. Extrapolation dropped the bouncing ball. His intentions were good and noble, but he didn’t have the basis for his assertion.
Seemingly you are trying to use interpolation with a prediction about Trump. Interpolation as a method is generally safe. In between some known points, you seek an estimation for some mid-location point. If things aren’t radical that often works. Your common factor is the greed and corruption of politicians (were you cite perhaps Republicans as your base). But note clearly, that Trump is to say the least, by any standard among presidents exceptionally radical. And exceptionally rich already. Hence to judge were he winds up in history has to be very much a matter of extrapolation.
Also, time, and time, and time again all his critics were wrong about where he could go, or what he could do. As a joking remark that Trump said, “Why do all the “elites” seem to think they are so elite? Aren’t I richer than them, aren’t I smarter then them (as my predictions work out, and theirs generally don’t), and finally aren’t I the president, and they are not? So … just how are they so “elite”?”
And he’s MODEST, too! He’s radically modest. The most modest guy you’ll ever meet. His modesty is off the chart. His personal doctor says he is incredibly modest for a man his age!
When you are someone who technically is apparently bragging, can it be that even so that you are still exceptionally “modest”? In Trump’s case maybe so. When he might claim to be smarter than his critics. The critics might be assuming that he thinks that he might have a 10% edge on them. But in reality he is doing something like 3-D chess. He might be out thinking them by more like ten fold. So this sort of taxi driver talking/president might be actually modest by that sort of measure.
YUGE! Yugely modest. In almost the immortal words of Weird Al Yankovic – He knows he’s a million times as humble as thou art!