Seems that with working on Bunz & Katz and the November Calendar at the same time, I haven’t finished the page 176 for Monday – so thought we’d resort to a bit of Pin-Up art for the nonce – hope you enjoy it…
But hey, this past week was pretty wild and crazy – what was your favorite part? Was it the Red Sox slamming the door on the Dodgers to win the World Series? (Come to think of it, that happened on Sunday, so technically that’s this week and not the previous)…
Well, then there was the somewhat ironic humor of listening to Mister Hate-Speech himself, the WhiteHouse Resident, mouthing words about how more civility is needed in our political discourse, (interspersed by a few more attack Tweets)… Well then, what’s He gonna do? Hate-Speech and Lies are about 90% of his rhetoric…
Or was it the Number One Trump Fan himself going on a mail bomb spree? The fact that none of the bombs actually detonated may indicate something about the IQ level of Trump’s followers in general…
Then there were Two, (count ’em) TWO Racist Shootings last week… Now, before all you Gun Junkies start Squealing like Piglets at a teat about the 2nd Amendment – As I understand it, the 2nd Amendment authorizes the States to form “Well Regulated Militias”… So Riddle me this: What part of “Well Regulated Militia” does shooting up a Synagogue or Black shoppers entail??
Not to mention, we already HAVE a “well regulated militia…” It’s called the National Guard… Yet somehow we don’t see any of these gun-fetishists rushing to enlist!
Every time some goof with a gun slaughters a bunch of innocent strangers because they happen to be black, or Jewish, or brown, or helpless school children, or just a large convenient crowd… We get the same old song and dance: the NRA and Trump and his Congressional Stooges go right back to denying any responsibility, while relentlessly opposing ANY gun controls, because “murderous, racist nazi nutcases have gun rights too.”
Tired of this BS, folks? Get out and Vote – and wear your Kevlar vest to the Polls!
Ah, too true… we all need a little escape from reality, which is more crazed, senseless and violent than a combat video game these days… And what better escape than the contemplation of Bunz’s latest outfit? But after this momentary meditation over our little anti-heroine’s accouterments (or lack of same), we must all do our bit for restoring some sanity to our shared reality…
Get out the vote!
Seems that with working on Bunz & Katz and the November Calendar at the same time, I haven’t finished the page 176 for Monday – so thought we’d resort to a bit of Pin-Up art for the nonce – hope you enjoy it…
But hey, this past week was pretty wild and crazy – what was your favorite part? Was it the Red Sox slamming the door on the Dodgers to win the World Series? (Come to think of it, that happened on Sunday, so technically that’s this week and not the previous)…
Well, then there was the somewhat ironic humor of listening to Mister Hate-Speech himself, the WhiteHouse Resident, mouthing words about how more civility is needed in our political discourse, (interspersed by a few more attack Tweets)… Well then, what’s He gonna do? Hate-Speech and Lies are about 90% of his rhetoric…
Or was it the Number One Trump Fan himself going on a mail bomb spree? The fact that none of the bombs actually detonated may indicate something about the IQ level of Trump’s followers in general…
Then there were Two, (count ’em) TWO Racist Shootings last week… Now, before all you Gun Junkies start Squealing like Piglets at a teat about the 2nd Amendment – As I understand it, the 2nd Amendment authorizes the States to form “Well Regulated Militias”… So Riddle me this: What part of “Well Regulated Militia” does shooting up a Synagogue or Black shoppers entail??
Not to mention, we already HAVE a “well regulated militia…” It’s called the National Guard… Yet somehow we don’t see any of these gun-fetishists rushing to enlist!
Every time some goof with a gun slaughters a bunch of innocent strangers because they happen to be black, or Jewish, or brown, or helpless school children, or just a large convenient crowd… We get the same old song and dance: the NRA and Trump and his Congressional Stooges go right back to denying any responsibility, while relentlessly opposing ANY gun controls, because “murderous, racist nazi nutcases have gun rights too.”
Tired of this BS, folks? Get out and Vote – and wear your Kevlar vest to the Polls!
Ah, too true… we all need a little escape from reality, which is more crazed, senseless and violent than a combat video game these days… And what better escape than the contemplation of Bunz’s latest outfit? But after this momentary meditation over our little anti-heroine’s accouterments (or lack of same), we must all do our bit for restoring some sanity to our shared reality…
Get out the vote!
Cognoscenti is Latin for ‘Fan Service’
I Like it!!
Thanks for it, by the way.
Thanks for everything you do, really!
Well, here it is the 1st of November and I’ve been up all night workin’ on various pieces… The November Pin-Up calendar is posted and you can find it by clicking here…
We’re also announcing a new Tumbler AntiSocial Media page, which you can access by clicking On the pix above…
There is also a new FaceBook page that basically mirrors the Tumblr page – it’s link can be found on the calendar page…