Yep, it’s a whole new page (accept no substitutes!) – a day late – but hey, it’s all free… Seems our Personae Dramatis are off on a mission both obscure and possibly irrelevant… Could this be their globe destroying plan of devious ineptitude – or just some pointless excuse for a few gags at the expense of the French? You may find out in our next moderately inexplicable installment, though somehow I doubt it…
Goshes, our Intrepid Invaders are not only intent on Destroying all Civilization, they are also guilty of something even more nefarious… namely “Gas an’ Go,” stiffing the attendant … hope he got their license plate number (oh, wait….)
Zut alors! Dem two coullion be off to Paris? Ack, hock! Patooie! Sorry, frog in my throat. That’s better. Now that our two interstellar champions of planetary dishevelment have acquired basic transportation who knows what adventures they will have and who they might encounter on The Road to Paris?!? (The flight path to Paris? Nah, doesn’t quite have the same ring to it does it?)
They’re off on the road to Paris.
Hang on, did I just see a mime!? (Watch the tower! Quiet!)
Where they’re going, why they’re going, how can we be sure,
I’ll lay you eight to five that they’ll meet ‘Manuel Macron!
(Got my yellow vest!)
Yes, do have a walk on by the yellow vest people when they get to Paris. Their view is roughly that all of France might be getting saved — but on [their] backs.
Yep, it’s a whole new page (accept no substitutes!) – a day late – but hey, it’s all free… Seems our Personae Dramatis are off on a mission both obscure and possibly irrelevant… Could this be their globe destroying plan of devious ineptitude – or just some pointless excuse for a few gags at the expense of the French? You may find out in our next moderately inexplicable installment, though somehow I doubt it…
Goshes, our Intrepid Invaders are not only intent on Destroying all Civilization, they are also guilty of something even more nefarious… namely “Gas an’ Go,” stiffing the attendant … hope he got their license plate number (oh, wait….)
Zut alors! Dem two coullion be off to Paris? Ack, hock! Patooie! Sorry, frog in my throat. That’s better. Now that our two interstellar champions of planetary dishevelment have acquired basic transportation who knows what adventures they will have and who they might encounter on The Road to Paris?!? (The flight path to Paris? Nah, doesn’t quite have the same ring to it does it?)
They’re off on the road to Paris.
Hang on, did I just see a mime!? (Watch the tower! Quiet!)
Where they’re going, why they’re going, how can we be sure,
I’ll lay you eight to five that they’ll meet ‘Manuel Macron!
(Got my yellow vest!)
Yes, do have a walk on by the yellow vest people when they get to Paris. Their view is roughly that all of France might be getting saved — but on [their] backs.
Any chance of seeing more of that fallen Angel? Maybe a Katz-eye view?