Sorry ’bout a bit of lateness in gettin’ back on the continuity – Partly I spent a few days scribbling’ out a touching Xmas story… “Touching” as in how those Sidewalk Santa guys put the touch on you – But more about that later…
Meanwhile, it does seem that our Dramatis Personae are rapidly on their way to somewhere – it could even be Marz… It does seem that it may have been a “Miscalculation” to have strapped blazing hot Rooskie Boosters onto the Plywood saucer… Or perhaps it’s all part of the plan – a seriously stupid plan!
Huh? I thought those flames were just the BRD (Bottle-Rocket Drive) firing up… Ah well, plywood won’t burn in a vacuum, anyhow… And hopefully that vacuum will remain OUTSDE the Saucer… But it was the very best Duct Tape!
Wha…? Of COURSE plywood burns in outer space! And engines roar and lasers go pew pew, explosions are seat-shaking loud and ships go “swish” as they zip past the cameras… Jeeze Walt, haven’t you ever seen a movie?
In space, no one can hear you Kibbitz. (Speaking of which – it’s the 40 year anniversary of the release of “Alien” this week.)
Sorry ’bout a bit of lateness in gettin’ back on the continuity – Partly I spent a few days scribbling’ out a touching Xmas story… “Touching” as in how those Sidewalk Santa guys put the touch on you – But more about that later…
Meanwhile, it does seem that our Dramatis Personae are rapidly on their way to somewhere – it could even be Marz… It does seem that it may have been a “Miscalculation” to have strapped blazing hot Rooskie Boosters onto the Plywood saucer… Or perhaps it’s all part of the plan – a seriously stupid plan!
Huh? I thought those flames were just the BRD (Bottle-Rocket Drive) firing up… Ah well, plywood won’t burn in a vacuum, anyhow… And hopefully that vacuum will remain OUTSDE the Saucer… But it was the very best Duct Tape!
Wha…? Of COURSE plywood burns in outer space! And engines roar and lasers go pew pew, explosions are seat-shaking loud and ships go “swish” as they zip past the cameras… Jeeze Walt, haven’t you ever seen a movie?
In space, no one can hear you Kibbitz. (Speaking of which – it’s the 40 year anniversary of the release of “Alien” this week.)
Should be playing “Marching to Mars” by Sammy Hagar.
Possibly could’a, would’a, should’a – ‘cept I’d never heard of “Marching to Mars” till now… While tonight, here I am listenin’ to the “Curly Shuffle”…
This whole comic strip has more in common with the Curly Shuffle than anything else I can think of!
Moe, Larry, the Cheese!!
The Curly Souffle?
There’s also Yakkity Sax
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