You know Comet an’ Cupid an’ Donner an’ Blitzen, but do you recall the Baddest Butch Reindoe of all? Yes, Rudie returns for a evening down at Finnegan’s pub… Thanx to Walt for help with Ajax’s dialect and the lyrics to his song… Ajax O’Figment was loosely inspired by Ajax Cassidy who resided in the little peat covered shanty at the end of Allan’s Alley, as protrayed on the Fred Allen radio show of the late 40s…
Many odd characters appeared in Allen’s Alley over the years, though this is considered by many as the classic lineup, From left to right: Fred Allen – his announcer, Kenny Delmar as Senator Beauregard Claghorn – Minerva Pious as Mrs. Pansy Nussbaum – Peter Donald as Ajax Cassidy – and Parker Fennelly as Titus Moody…
Begorrah! The Saint Paddy’s day parade in Baton Rouge has officially been “postponed”. I called in and suggested that it be moved to Cinco de Mayo! Could the world contain the awesome? Two of the greatest bar holidays at the SAME TIME!!! And on Taco Tuesday too.
I’m old enough to have listened to the Fred Allen show for years – I can practically hear the Senator right now. Ajax is great and I hope Rudi will be a regular.
If you google him, you can find many of Fred Allen’s radio shows for free on line. like–theFredAllenShow1945-1949 but there’s other sources as well… Allen’s Alley wasn’t added to the show till Dec of ’42, so while his earlier shows don’t feature it, they’re fun as well…
Nice to see you adding another character to the “stable” as it were. I know you were working on Rudie some time ago but it’s good to see her reach full bloom. Looking forward to more from you and her.
Remember Fred Allen? His radio show ended in ’49 and I was born in ’57. However I do remember Foghorn Leghorn who was ripped off from Senator Claghorn from Allen’s Ally of the radio show. (And was then copyrighted by Warner Bros so that Kenny Delmar, Allen’s announcer and voice of Claghorn, had to get their permission before doing his own character.)
You know Comet an’ Cupid an’ Donner an’ Blitzen, but do you recall the Baddest Butch Reindoe of all? Yes, Rudie returns for a evening down at Finnegan’s pub… Thanx to Walt for help with Ajax’s dialect and the lyrics to his song… Ajax O’Figment was loosely inspired by Ajax Cassidy who resided in the little peat covered shanty at the end of Allan’s Alley, as protrayed on the Fred Allen radio show of the late 40s…
Many odd characters appeared in Allen’s Alley over the years, though this is considered by many as the classic lineup, From left to right: Fred Allen – his announcer, Kenny Delmar as Senator Beauregard Claghorn – Minerva Pious as Mrs. Pansy Nussbaum – Peter Donald as Ajax Cassidy – and Parker Fennelly as Titus Moody…

HOORAY! Praise Paddy an’ all the seints, Rudie the Under-Cover Reindeer is back, to regale us with her opulent amplitude!
St Patrick’s was nuked this year… 🙁
Begorrah! The Saint Paddy’s day parade in Baton Rouge has officially been “postponed”. I called in and suggested that it be moved to Cinco de Mayo! Could the world contain the awesome? Two of the greatest bar holidays at the SAME TIME!!! And on Taco Tuesday too.
I’m old enough to have listened to the Fred Allen show for years – I can practically hear the Senator right now. Ajax is great and I hope Rudi will be a regular.
If you google him, you can find many of Fred Allen’s radio shows for free on line. like–theFredAllenShow1945-1949 but there’s other sources as well… Allen’s Alley wasn’t added to the show till Dec of ’42, so while his earlier shows don’t feature it, they’re fun as well…
Nice to see you adding another character to the “stable” as it were. I know you were working on Rudie some time ago but it’s good to see her reach full bloom. Looking forward to more from you and her.
Remember Fred Allen? His radio show ended in ’49 and I was born in ’57. However I do remember Foghorn Leghorn who was ripped off from Senator Claghorn from Allen’s Ally of the radio show. (And was then copyrighted by Warner Bros so that Kenny Delmar, Allen’s announcer and voice of Claghorn, had to get their permission before doing his own character.)
And Cheech Wizard? Now there’s a blast from MY past. I remember reading Bode’s Sunpot in Heavy Metal way back in the day.
Aye aye! All of Vaughn Bode’s stuff was heady and astonishing for its time. Pity he had to go and off himself in that stupid fashion.
At least we get to see the FRONT of Rudie as she was dressed in her debut back on Christmas Eve! I was right! Nice Abs!