While this weekend, Pandemic cases have topped the U.S of A’s already world record high – On the lighter side of Trump chicanery – Seems that it was recently reported, that only months after being completed a 42 Million section of Trump’s border wall is near to collapsing… Trump reportedly complained, “It was only done to make me look bad!” Neeeh– Could be… Or perhaps you shouldn’t have awarded the contract to a company who’s main selling point was that they’re a major GOP contributor… (and who it seems, have been recently awarded another 1.2 Billion to build more flimsy wall)… Yep, while Trump and the GOP are laughing up their sleeves at their IQ challenged working class supporters… They’re pocketing Billions that could have been used for Public Health Care or combating the Pandemic…
Y’know, I just can’t write humor like that – It makes me feel like such an amateur!
Meanwhilst, our peerless, fearless, clueless Antiheroine and her faithful henchbot are out of a job! Sorta puts all our petty troubles like pandemics and government corruption into perspective, doesn’t it? But not to worry, it appears that the Manager’s new hires are willing to make up in sheer Enthusiasm what they lack in basic Skills!
As I recall,they were never working there. They came in, scared the regular employees off, and while eating, that relative- to-the-baliff- in-the-court- scenes arc of a manager mistook them for employees.
And now for something completely different: as we salute those hard working Rakoonz (though maybe not Rikki) who seem to have taken over Bunz & Katz’ duties at the Grease Burger Shack…
What Ossifer Weasel may be doing here, I Dunno, but apparently he’s keeping a gimlet eye on the *ahem*… situation…
While this weekend, Pandemic cases have topped the U.S of A’s already world record high – On the lighter side of Trump chicanery – Seems that it was recently reported, that only months after being completed a 42 Million section of Trump’s border wall is near to collapsing… Trump reportedly complained, “It was only done to make me look bad!” Neeeh– Could be… Or perhaps you shouldn’t have awarded the contract to a company who’s main selling point was that they’re a major GOP contributor… (and who it seems, have been recently awarded another 1.2 Billion to build more flimsy wall)… Yep, while Trump and the GOP are laughing up their sleeves at their IQ challenged working class supporters… They’re pocketing Billions that could have been used for Public Health Care or combating the Pandemic…
Y’know, I just can’t write humor like that – It makes me feel like such an amateur!
Meanwhilst, our peerless, fearless, clueless Antiheroine and her faithful henchbot are out of a job! Sorta puts all our petty troubles like pandemics and government corruption into perspective, doesn’t it? But not to worry, it appears that the Manager’s new hires are willing to make up in sheer Enthusiasm what they lack in basic Skills!
As I recall,they were never working there. They came in, scared the regular employees off, and while eating, that relative- to-the-baliff- in-the-court- scenes arc of a manager mistook them for employees.
While the Rakoonz, with typical raccoon arrogance and brass, just stood up and looked competent when he put out the “Help Wanted” sign…
Are these guys any relation to the bat winged piranha raccoon?
And now for something completely different: as we salute those hard working Rakoonz (though maybe not Rikki) who seem to have taken over Bunz & Katz’ duties at the Grease Burger Shack…
What Ossifer Weasel may be doing here, I Dunno, but apparently he’s keeping a gimlet eye on the *ahem*… situation…
Aught have been “bustiers” (an antique garment that was part corset part push up bra)
Y’know Bruce, that idea’s not half bad… Now why didn’t I think of that??