Yep, it seems that the gang’s all here… That old Kriegsmarine gang – and they don’t seem happy about it all! But didn’t Katz just explain that this wasn’t possible? Perhaps some of the confusion may be unraveled in our next moderately inexplicable installment… or…
Indeed, big, red, candy-like buttons seem to hold an irresistible attraction for Bunz… as first seen ‘way back in November 2018, when her little foible resulted in the loss of their Negafleet Scout Craft, as well as her costume… and what gives with that mysterious McGuffin, apparently capable of the instantaneous defrosting of numerous nefarious Nazi nogoodniks?
Well, if a bunch of nefarious kriegs-creeps from the WWII era, deep-frozen on some secret and presumably nefarious mission to a gawdawful far-north region, should suddenly awake to find a big-eared alien female accompanied by a tin penguin in their midst, what might their reaction reasonably be?
Are these guys sort of date material for Bunz? Sure they are monsters. But objectively so is she. The whole destroying planet “dirt” thing accounted for.
Yep, it seems that the gang’s all here… That old Kriegsmarine gang – and they don’t seem happy about it all! But didn’t Katz just explain that this wasn’t possible? Perhaps some of the confusion may be unraveled in our next moderately inexplicable installment… or…
No touching the shiny, candy-like button!
Indeed, big, red, candy-like buttons seem to hold an irresistible attraction for Bunz… as first seen ‘way back in November 2018, when her little foible resulted in the loss of their Negafleet Scout Craft, as well as her costume… and what gives with that mysterious McGuffin, apparently capable of the instantaneous defrosting of numerous nefarious Nazi nogoodniks?
Yay Cutie!
A U-Boat full of Kriegs-Kreeps, and why is no one is ever happy to meet Bunz, does she have BO?
Well, if a bunch of nefarious kriegs-creeps from the WWII era, deep-frozen on some secret and presumably nefarious mission to a gawdawful far-north region, should suddenly awake to find a big-eared alien female accompanied by a tin penguin in their midst, what might their reaction reasonably be?
Are these guys sort of date material for Bunz? Sure they are monsters. But objectively so is she. The whole destroying planet “dirt” thing accounted for.
I think Marvin Martian or Master Cylinder may be more her type!
Hey Josh!
Thanx for the comic,what happened next when it come to an unfroze u-boat schmucks?!
P.S. what ‘s this mcguffin thingy?!
Thin Lizzie said it first…
Guess who just got back today?
Them wild-eyed boys that’d been away
Haven’t changed, had much to say
But man, I still think them cats are crazy.