SpaceGophers Pg1
While this is the first Space Gopher story to see print, it’s actually the second to be completed – their first story has never been printed (somehow, just never got around to it)… This is also Pandora’s first appearance…
While this is the first Space Gopher story to see print, it’s actually the second to be completed – their first story has never been printed (somehow, just never got around to it)… This is also Pandora’s first appearance…
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Gotta love Al and his buddy, Al.
As Evil (Time bandits) said of Benson: they are “so mercifully free of the ravages of intelligence.”
I loved the Time Bandits, wisht that Terry Gilliam would have made a sequel!
By the way, can’t read it at the page’s reduced size, but the book on the floor’s cover text reads, “Don’t Panic!” for those of you who are Hitchhiker aficionados…
Backgrounds remind me of Matsumoto. Pretty clean as well so I guess tinkletoes and the dead broad have been busy cleaning. Will Pandora’s cover be blown if they don’t call her Al or is there a universal level of dumb in Quagverse? Tune in tomorrow, same Quag time, same Quag site.
I’m not sure – the Gophers seem unaware that they’re all named Al… (there is a reason for that, which will be mentioned in one of the other pages’ intro)…
I think you nailed it for Leiji Matsumoto, I’ve long been an admirer of his somewhat wonky artwork…
Though simpler to do than a realistic looking instrument panel, the Matsumoto style backgrounds would be a lot easier to do in these days of computers, to duplicate an resize all the dials an’ gauges, instead of ruling lines with a pen… I’m guessing that Matsumoto had assistants to do that for him – possibly just cutting ’em out from pages of printed dials in various sizes an’ pasting ’em down on the artwork…
“Tinkletoes and the dead broad” Whoozat??
Pandora is the “dead broad”. In the SGI backup feature in Issue 2 of Army Surplus Komikz, on page 2 our intrepid duo find a coffin shaped box labeled “Cyborg WN 81-QPlenipotentiary Of Pain And Pleasure”. Once opened, Al exclaims he remembers what cyborg means while Al states “it means dead broad, there’s no heart beat”. She is reactivated and on page 5 reveals her name is Pandora. On page 6 as she’s cleaning the head she confronts Al (115) about how filthy it is and states “no wonder they call you Tinkletoes”
Whoof! You can’t imagine how weird it is to have your own joke explained to you, a joke I’d long ago forgotten! So Pandora’s the “Dead Girl”? …well gotta admit, in a way Al was right…
As she’s a Cyborg, basically designed to be a sex-doll – many years later I thought about what might happen should Al & Al come across a customization kit for her, which is how the Kitty version of Pandora came about…
Ah well that solves that mystery for me! I recall seeing a kitty Pandora but never made the connection. Thanks for the lovely pics.
Well,you’re right,Josh,She IS A cyborg,then what’s her past before being a cyborg?
Hmmmm… Well I had assumed that there wasn’t any “before”, but that she was brand new being shipped from whatever corporation that makes & sells Cyborgs… Perhaps, Sirius Cybernetics?
Yeah, Pandora… wotta goil…