Rudie Easter Dragnet Caper Pt4
The Easter Egg Dragnet Caper finally concludes, or does it? Will the Easter (aka “random passerby”) Bunny ever return? If she does, will she finally score a slice of carrot cake? For that matter, will Rudie even return? From the lack of feedback she gets, seems a coin-flip…
That aside, sorry ’bout the delay, never thought it would take this long to finish the page… Just was sort of a combination of computer and health glitches that slowed production down to a crawl… Next page, we’ll be back to Bunz & Katz’ continuity, though may take a bit longer to finish…
Hey, Josh!
I enjoyed the bunny break. Looking forward to seeing Bunz and Katz get to work trying to destroy the world.
With the current political climate in the US, they have a LOT of competiton.
Indeed they will, Joseph, but we are fortunate in that most of the would-be world-wreckers in the US Congress are too incompetent to tie their own shoes… they need aides for that… While our earnest little Space-Alien Invaders are at least capable of independent thought and purposeful action, although in their case, both are just a bit… shall we say, comically misdirected… and meanwhile, a bit of Bunnycake is always a welcome intermission..
it’s joshua!
josh,this is the greatest tribute to one of the classic tv series of all time with the ongoing for now ease bunny joke,now back as we go to the finish line of a chapte- i mean issues of BUNZ AND KATZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Somehow this story seems to lack the punch of most other Rudie stories, maybe because she doesn’t punch anyone.
I gotta fess up, not every idea I get is a good one… Rudie as Joe Friday seemed a fun concept at the time, but half way through the pages I came to the conclusion that Jack Webb’s deadpan expression and delivery just didn’t fit her… But with some of the pages posted was too late to stop – only thing to do was just finish the thing… If I do something like this again, feel free to throw a brick at me!!
Throw a brick at you?
That sounds Krazy, Kat.
Too late, she’s already busted. Anyhow, it wasn’t the flat line delivery it was that God-awful grey flannel suit. A full suit and tie? On Rudi? Nyet. Shoot, you wouldn’t have the slightest idea that there was a thong lurking under there anywhere. Rudi’s rather unique fashion sense usually leaves very little room for doubt.
Well… (cop out time) that’s Rudie’s Joe Friday suit… Nor would I exactly say that it’s a “Full suit & tie” as Rudie doesn’t seem to be wearing anything discernible below her suit jacket, except pantyhose…
don’t forget the shirt and tie!
Oh! Those are hose! I thought that was just shading on the “skinny trousers”. What I get for not looking through the correct brain-filters.
I love Rudie. She’s a clever idea.
EVERYONE: I have terrible news. Josh Quagmire, a friend of 30 years, has passed away. He went to the VA hospital in Santa Monica on May 2, was transferred to a rehab center on the 18th, continued work on the current page of his webcomic with his ipad, and posted it on the 27th.
We had corresponded several times a day for many years. On the 28th, he sent one message, but then went silent. Due to “patient confidentiality” rules, I could not get any information from any agency for seven days. Finally thus morning, an operator at the rehab center unbent far enough to “suggest” that I call St. John’s Hospital. There, a hospital operator also violated the rules enough to tell me that Josh was deceased… how or when, she did not know.
I know that Josh had two sisters, and a friend named Al who ran errands for him while he was in the VA hospital. I have no contact information for any of them.
Josh was a creative genius, whose ideas multiplied faster than he could possibly put them into publication. I met him only twice in person, but we swapped story ideas and commwntary constantly. I know that he had his latest creation, “Bunz and Katz,” planned out for years in the future.
I will miss him deeply.
Oh, dear lord.
Thank you for telling me.
Oh, dear lord.
Holy crap,who Will continue?
I’m POSITIVE it won’t be me. As a drafting teacher said about some spoiled types “can barely draw a glass of water but can draw flies!” (bad body odor)
Thanks a lot,Josh
I don’t know that anyone can continue the strip. I know what developments Josh was planning for the story (although he was prone to making last-minute changes as new ideas occurred to him). Yet anyone who could imitate his style, and access the huge library of characters, poses and backgrounds he had accumulated over the years, might still have trouble following that storyline. Josh was Josh, and nobody else is like him.
Hail and farewell, old friend.
My involvement with Josh began in the ’80’s when I saw Critters #1 and picked it up. I managed to get back numbers of of Cutey Bunny here and there and eagerly snatched up anything I could find. The summit of my personal involvement was when I had the honor and privilege of running the Cutey Bunny Facebook page for him when he first decided to enter that medium. I ran the page in her voice with my two daughters consulting on what 20-somethings would say in various situations. Whilst he and I did have our political differences, we mostly managed to put them aside. (Mostly 😉 I will miss him and his creations of his talented mind. Thanks for the memories Mr. Quagmire.
Bill, my experience with Josh parallels yours. I encountered the first issue of “Cutey Bunny,” and wrote a simple fan letter; he responded cordially, and from then on we swapped story ideas and occasionally collaborated, as with “Bronco Bunny,” “Bunnies at War,” etc. Speaking of which, I don’t know how long Josh’s “The Quagmire” calendar site will remain up, and there is a tremendous amount of material there that might be lost. I am going to try to transfer some of it to CD, just in case.
I also find it bitter-sweet that his last offering featured his best known creation, Kelly O’Hare, AKA Cutey Bunny, in a cameo role. And in an appropos moment of cosmic proportions, little Bunz, the ne’er-do-well, would be world-destroying, alien waif faux-bunny, gets left out altogether. Poor Bunz. Lassie, we hardly knew ye!
Goodbye bro.
thanks for the memories,Josh!
hey,Josh Quagmire’s Facebook is still here!
Goodbye Unca Josh, thank you for sharing your talents with us. You’ll be missed but not forgotten and I’ll treasure the chats we had that much more.
Adieu, I hope you’ve a seat next to Matsumoto on the 999.
sure,he will be MADly missed
EVERYONE: Josh’s sisters have gotten in touch with me, and they seem dedicated to preserving his work… reprinting some of his comics, preserving his artwork, etc. They are even paying to keep his web pages going.
They also hope some other artist will step up to continue drawing the “Bunz and Katz” webcomic. Unfortunately, I don’t have any contacts in the field. Do you know, or can you suggest, anyone who might be interested in taking on the strip, which has been going for years? I know the future outline of the story, and have already assisted and edited the comic for Josh, so I could do the scripting for another artist.
Not only would this be a tribute to Josh, but there might even be modest pay involved.
I support it,we need to finish the legend and continue it.
It think we need some publishers and printers,Josh once emailed Me when i asked him for a new project i came up with but he was in considered for it,he might considered for a printing crew to pay for it,so reprinting his story is a pretty good idea to preserve it,but Still need to consider for a dollar to pay to reprint it.
(Apologies, I am posting this several times in case anyone will notice the comments number rising)
EVERYONE: Josh’s sisters have gotten in touch with me, and they seem dedicated to preserving his work… reprinting some of his comics, preserving his artwork, etc. They are even paying to keep his web pages going.
They also hope some other artist will step up to continue drawing the “Bunz and Katz” webcomic. Unfortunately, I don’t have any contacts in the field. Do you know, or can you suggest, anyone who might be interested in taking on the strip, which has been going for years? I know the future outline of the story, and have already assisted and edited the comic for Josh, so I could do the scripting for another artist.
Not only would this be a tribute to Josh, but there might even be modest pay involved.
(Apologies, I am posting this several times in case anyone will notice the comments number rising)
EVERYONE: Josh’s sisters have gotten in touch with me, and they seem dedicated to preserving his work… reprinting some of his comics, preserving his artwork, etc. They are even paying to keep his web pages going.
They also hope some other artist will step up to continue drawing the “Bunz and Katz” webcomic. Unfortunately, I don’t have any contacts in the field. Do you know, or can you suggest, anyone who might be interested in taking on the strip, which has been going for years? I know the future outline of the story, and have already assisted and edited the comic for Josh, so I could do the scripting for another artist.
Not only would this be a tribute to Josh, but there might even be modest pay involved.
Ditto again. Hoping to see some suggestions.
None, I’m sorry.
I think that Me and Josh’s sister May need to collaborate with ya on Bunz and Katz,with Josh’s friends and family made a gag,and we the artist drew it in our Style,maybe i May take my Pen for my pages for being a guest artist.
OK, Mike. Have you got any art posted on the Internet that we can see?
Sure,Just a guest page
How do we get to that?
Mike, I looked at your art. You have a good manga style, but can you draw in Quagmire’s more realistic style as well?
sure did.