A new terror by night strikes the city – as Bunz & Katz launch their Ultimate Plan of Devious Stoopidity!! So while Moxie hangs out at the donut shop, Is there no one who can save humanity? No hero who can step forward to deal with this putrid alien threat?? Oh the Horror!
Next time, B&K meet an old friend for the first time… (Eh? How does that work?) Who knew that they even had a friend? As things get hinkier though hopefully not stinkier!
A gigantic Sox-Powered Stink Bomb? Good Lord! (Choke) Could this Ultimate Plan of Devious Stoopidity be an endless succession of tasteless gags that will destroy Dirt through sheer inanity and insanity?
What’s next, “Kick Me” signs pinned to the backs of cops and street thugs? Itch powder poured down preachers’ collars? Whoopie cushions smuggled into Mar-a-Lago?
(FRAAAP!) “Uh… STOP THAT, Lickspittle!”
“Jawohl, mein Trumpenfuhrer… which way did it go?”
A short time ago, Ray Stevens put out a song about missing socks. Several years ago, in a Superman/Supergirl off-shoot comic, the main character stumbled onto an arch-villian who “acquired” socks for his own evil ends.
The character was “Ambush Bug” and the villian was named “ARGH-AYLE”.
Sheesh! Everybody wants to get into the act! That really annoys me, especially when they did it first! I guess it’s a lucky break for me that the stinky socks turn out to be just a MacGuffin and not actually the real Ultimate Plan of Devious Stoodity…
A new terror by night strikes the city – as Bunz & Katz launch their Ultimate Plan of Devious Stoopidity!! So while Moxie hangs out at the donut shop, Is there no one who can save humanity? No hero who can step forward to deal with this putrid alien threat?? Oh the Horror!
Next time, B&K meet an old friend for the first time… (Eh? How does that work?) Who knew that they even had a friend? As things get hinkier though hopefully not stinkier!
A gigantic Sox-Powered Stink Bomb? Good Lord! (Choke) Could this Ultimate Plan of Devious Stoopidity be an endless succession of tasteless gags that will destroy Dirt through sheer inanity and insanity?
What’s next, “Kick Me” signs pinned to the backs of cops and street thugs? Itch powder poured down preachers’ collars? Whoopie cushions smuggled into Mar-a-Lago?
(FRAAAP!) “Uh… STOP THAT, Lickspittle!”
“Jawohl, mein Trumpenfuhrer… which way did it go?”
Now I know whad happened to my socks, but WHO took my gumboots?
A short time ago, Ray Stevens put out a song about missing socks. Several years ago, in a Superman/Supergirl off-shoot comic, the main character stumbled onto an arch-villian who “acquired” socks for his own evil ends.
The character was “Ambush Bug” and the villian was named “ARGH-AYLE”.
Sheesh! Everybody wants to get into the act! That really annoys me, especially when they did it first! I guess it’s a lucky break for me that the stinky socks turn out to be just a MacGuffin and not actually the real Ultimate Plan of Devious Stoodity…
Two versions of the promo sketch…
…and Bunz Kong desaturated…
Step three: Profit, right?