Don’t know how many of you might recall a Laurel & Hardy flick from 1932 “Towed in a Hole”, Where in the opening scene Stan comes up with a plan which he is unable to explain coherently more than once – despite that, Ollie buys into it, (much to his later regret)…
I mention this, as I was thinking of the movie as I cobbled together this page – which is sort of a mirror image in that Katz has a idea, but Bunz can’t quite grasp it… Though as long as it involves Doom, Destruction and doesn’t require a lot of effort, it sounds okay to her…
That being said, the next page will mark the end of Chapter 2 for B&K – not that it really matters a lot, but there we are…
As for fresh water in general, Lake Bikyul (not sure about the spelling) in Russia has more fresh water in one place than anywhere else. i think it even beats most if not all the Great Lakes.
Don’t know how many of you might recall a Laurel & Hardy flick from 1932 “Towed in a Hole”, Where in the opening scene Stan comes up with a plan which he is unable to explain coherently more than once – despite that, Ollie buys into it, (much to his later regret)…
I mention this, as I was thinking of the movie as I cobbled together this page – which is sort of a mirror image in that Katz has a idea, but Bunz can’t quite grasp it… Though as long as it involves Doom, Destruction and doesn’t require a lot of effort, it sounds okay to her…
That being said, the next page will mark the end of Chapter 2 for B&K – not that it really matters a lot, but there we are…
Jeez – 23 feet?
Look it up – There’s a LOT of Ice piled up on top of Greenland! Only Antarctica has more fresh water Ice…
As for fresh water in general, Lake Bikyul (not sure about the spelling) in Russia has more fresh water in one place than anywhere else. i think it even beats most if not all the Great Lakes.
Maybe so – however that has nothing to do with sea level rise…
“A silly piggy voice…” Um, this might explain why Bunz has been repeatedly passed over for promotion by Negafleet…
Yes, we got fan service just last episode!
And it’s appreciated, too!
Well that was kind’a minor Fan Service… There may be a skosh more coming up, though you’ll have to wait for October…
Oooh, Halloween!
(Everybody forgets about Halloween. In my neighborhood, Fourth of July fireworks set somebody’s Christmas decorations on fire.)
Well… I guess what we’re kickin’ around may be a bit Halloweeny – as we get to take a look at Katz’ new favorite TV show…
Also a Piggly Wiggly voice would work… Except I haven’t lived in Atlanta for over 20 years. Ms. Daisy, we’d get there faster if we just walked!