SpaceGophers Pg4
Page #4: Tachete does a walk-on here, for no better reason than I needed a patsy for Al & Al to pull a shifty trick on… And so, as the Gophers rocketed off to a rendezvous with Cutey in Army Surplus #, I can only add, Th- That’s All Folks!
And now we know why Tachete has a grudge against Al and Al.
(Oh, bother, got them reversed. It’s not Al and Al, it is Al and Al!)
Careful Dude, mix up their billing an the guys are likely to get miffy!
The continuity in this story doesn’t quite synchronize with the later Gopher pages, but then, does it really matter?
So, Josh…
Are the Space Vixens hiring?
Eh… Hiring for what??
I dunno. Professional backscratcher? 🙂
Somehow I don’t think that Victoria would be interested…
The Space Vixens was one of those unrealized ideas – I roughed out a story where Kelly & Taffy were watching a late night movie on TV, which turned out to be a cheap Scifi flick with cardboard sets, featuring Victoria & Silver… maybe somewhere around here I still have the scribbled pages… But at the time, I had no publisher and it was long before the internet, so after skribblin’ out a bunch of idea sketches it jus’ got shelved…
I included these pix here, as they have a nice rendering of Tachete…
Yeah, Tachete renders nicely… get too chummy with her, and she’ll render you to shreds…
I enjoyed both.
Thanks, Josh.
Not a problem… I looked where I thought the story roughs might be – No luck! However I did come up with a few sketches done sometime later, with the idea of expanding the story…
I do hope Vicky’s insurance is up to date.
Is it just me or is Tachete NOT wearing the fake Gopher nose in the 2 panels she is in after it was put on her?
Is this a trick question? There are NO panels with Tachete after she gets the nose…
1st & 3rd panels after the nose. How thick are the glasses in your Gravitar? Double pop bottle bottom?
Eh… That’s Pandora in those panels, not Tachete… Perhaps you’re lookin’ at the rare bootleg knock-off printed on Zeta Reticuli… Those freaky Gray aliens really go for Tachete!
Our story comes to a close but shall we see more of the Space Vixens? I know I will (in my dreams purrrr)
Hey Joey,in the Universe of our own,people thought we can pet a gopher and name it custom,but however even a gopher can name it customized,but we didn’t realize that gopher can share one same name! It’s Al! Jeez!