Welcome to the page before the penultimate episode of the most cataclysmic comix conflict since Ignatz bopped Krazy!
Whazzat you’re saying? “That it’s not really that stunningly stupendous…”
Okay, so would’ja believe, since Popeye forgot to bring his spinach can an’ got the snot beaten out of him? You’re not going for that either? – How ‘bout since Snoopy got rabies an’ bit Charlie Brown? – Since Beetle Bailey fragged Sarge??
But that aside – Sorry for the long delay between pages… the thing is, especially during Dec. I wasn’t feelin’ all that well, so it was a bit more difficult to spend time at the drawin’ board… I am feelin’ somewhat better now, so with any luck there won’t be nearly that much wait for the next page and we will actually get to see what happens… JQ
Fun comic. I like the premise. Will their home planet contact them again? Looking forward to the next strip; I don’t think Bunz’s ray gun will hold off that many dirt creatures at once. Will the translator understand “autograph” should any of her admiring throng think to ask for one? Happy to see you’re continuing the story.
HE LIVES! (Huzzah!) Welcome back from the brink of sort of near but not quite terminal under-the-weatherness. Bunz asks, “What’re these geeks lookin at?” Well to paraphrase the immortal Bogey – They’re lookin at you kid.
But are they looking at Bunz, or something far more enticing??
Speaking of which – the New Cutey Calendar for Feb, has been posted a whole day early! Spend Valentine’s day in Bunnie Paree! You can find it at: Cutey Bunny.com
I think that the store manager put up a good fight, all things considered. And hey, what is the crowd at the door looking at? Do I see the return of the “mean kid”?
Josh, don’t forget to take your supplements. Plenty of vitamin C and so forth. Until the next episode guy.
Welcome to the page before the penultimate episode of the most cataclysmic comix conflict since Ignatz bopped Krazy!
Whazzat you’re saying? “That it’s not really that stunningly stupendous…”
Okay, so would’ja believe, since Popeye forgot to bring his spinach can an’ got the snot beaten out of him? You’re not going for that either? – How ‘bout since Snoopy got rabies an’ bit Charlie Brown? – Since Beetle Bailey fragged Sarge??
But that aside – Sorry for the long delay between pages… the thing is, especially during Dec. I wasn’t feelin’ all that well, so it was a bit more difficult to spend time at the drawin’ board… I am feelin’ somewhat better now, so with any luck there won’t be nearly that much wait for the next page and we will actually get to see what happens… JQ
Does this mean I can move your link back to the “active” group?
Fun comic. I like the premise. Will their home planet contact them again? Looking forward to the next strip; I don’t think Bunz’s ray gun will hold off that many dirt creatures at once. Will the translator understand “autograph” should any of her admiring throng think to ask for one? Happy to see you’re continuing the story.
“Could this be the end for Li’l Sailor?” Love it!
HE LIVES! (Huzzah!) Welcome back from the brink of sort of near but not quite terminal under-the-weatherness. Bunz asks, “What’re these geeks lookin at?” Well to paraphrase the immortal Bogey – They’re lookin at you kid.
But are they looking at Bunz, or something far more enticing??
Speaking of which – the New Cutey Calendar for Feb, has been posted a whole day early! Spend Valentine’s day in Bunnie Paree! You can find it at: Cutey Bunny.com
You’re referring to the geeks behind the window. I’m talking about a different set of geeks behind a different set of windows. ;->
But I grok. The plot must go on!
I think that the store manager put up a good fight, all things considered. And hey, what is the crowd at the door looking at? Do I see the return of the “mean kid”?
Josh, don’t forget to take your supplements. Plenty of vitamin C and so forth. Until the next episode guy.
Awesome – this guy is defending the Earth!