Y’Know, When People ask me my opinion of “The Wall,” I tell them that I prefer a Fence… But the one we have around the White House is too low – He keeps getting out…
Well you silly man, you obviously meant “cage”. But I myself think that what we’d really like for this particular situation is a muzzle. And perhaps a couple of those little paw-bag thingies to keep his digits off the tweet keys.
Or, one could design a massive “defragmentation” program to filter all his spoken words, tweets, financial dealings, facial expressions, etc. and edit and reconfigure them so as to make coherent sense, encourage world peace, foster respect for law and serve the public interest… but naaah, there ain’t that much RAM available in the world…
The problem has never been Trump and his tweets. Nope. The problem has been with his loyal opposition never bothering to fully update to new expectations and new technology. It is obvious to all, that email, tweets, social media, mass fun gatherings, and a nation run by the model of reality TV is in. While print media, talking heads — that pretend to do our thinking for us, and elite specialists of most any sort are out. Its evolution of sorts, adapt or get left behind. Also, “read the rules”. Its not enough to gather mass numbers of voters. To win — drum roll here — you need electoral collage votes. So … resolve never again to simply fly over the fly over states. Because that’s the best chance to get [those] kind of votes.
An even better idea: Abolish the Electoral College, a relic of the days when the post-horse was the fastest means of communication, and the sparsely-populated South had to be placated with extra influence because slaves in the south were only counted as three-fifths of a person. Instead, go to direct elections. After enough states have adopted direct election, the College will automatically become ancient history. And deservedly so.
And then have all of our nationally elected politicians chosen by the population mega-centers of the coasts? Pass. The electoral college is doing exactly what it was designed to do and that right well. Of course, you could always change the constitution. (Good luck with getting enough “fly over” states to go along.)
Really??? So you’re coming out against Majority Rule in elections? That’s sounds a bit unAmerican… I mean, isn’t that what democracy is supposed to be all about? Would you score a football game by saying, “We just won’t count that touchdown because that could prejudice the ability of the other team to win”… How well do you think that would go over with the fans?? But perhaps you have your own definition of democracy which doesn’t include fair play or actually counting up the votes to see what the majority of Americans want?
Yeah really. Ever heard of the “tyranny of the majority”? We don’t have a direct democracy we have a federal representative republic and it runs by rules one of which is the electoral college which was specifically included in the constitution to prevent the above from happening. Jim Crow was the law of the land in the bad old south and the majority of the population there was just fine with it. Did that make it okay? Sometimes our election results are hard for some folks to swallow but by and large our system seems to work pretty well. Hamilton and Jefferson knew what they were doing – leave it alone.
“Tyranny of the majority”? You seem to be deliberately obfuscating – the so called, “tyranny of the majority” is not typically an issue with electing officials to public office, but rather to the passing of laws unfair to a minority…
Actually the GOP is very Pro “tyranny of the majority” (when they can get away with it), passing laws that disenfranchise minorities, people of color, gays, women’s rights, or most anyone who doesn’t fit into their narrow viewpoint!
I realize that the electoral college is the “Law”, but not all laws are for the good – in this case it came out of a ill-considered compromise that had unexpected results – that is, the ability to elect the losing candidate – which was never the electoral college’s original intent!
As for Jim Crow, There is no polite way to say this, but it Never went away, anymore than the Clan did… Jim Crow just switched parties from the old Dixiecrats and is doing just fine in the GOP! If you actually want fair elections, remove GOP gerrymandering and cease VOTER SUPPRESSION, the GOP policy of the removal of people of color from the Voting registrations… We’re talking legally registered citizens who are removed without their knowledge, that is, until they show up at the poles and find that they’re no longer registered, because their name may be similar to someone else’s… And somehow this only happens to people of color in “Red” states…
But none of that is going to happen is it? And in any case, I doubt that you’re really concerned with fairness in elections – your remarks make that fairly obvious…
You do know that “majority” is a flexible term? Both the east and west cost of America — that technically gave Hillary a [majority], by a little (maybe 3 million votes) — is changing by the moment.
Ignore the talking heads on TV, they don’t count, and the TV demographics suggest few of us pay them any interest. Trump’s condemnation of “the lying media” really is effective as he gestures to cameras at political gatherings is remarkably effective.
What counts is jobs and pay checks. Many in the next election on both the east and west costs will vote their pocket books. [My point about flexibility of (assumed) majorities.]
And change the Constitution if you want, But any change needs at least a few fly over people to sign on to it.
Getting away from parlor-tricks for a moment… I suppose somebody has noticed the cover of the comic book Bunz is reading in panel 1? Ah yes, “The Bat Temp”… those DC folks don’t miss a possible breakout storyline… And that Bunz herself is reading the first issue so attentively would indicate a charming level of girlish vanity… an endearing trait that is almost, dare we say it, human?
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Y’Know, When People ask me my opinion of “The Wall,” I tell them that I prefer a Fence… But the one we have around the White House is too low – He keeps getting out…
Well you silly man, you obviously meant “cage”. But I myself think that what we’d really like for this particular situation is a muzzle. And perhaps a couple of those little paw-bag thingies to keep his digits off the tweet keys.
Or, one could design a massive “defragmentation” program to filter all his spoken words, tweets, financial dealings, facial expressions, etc. and edit and reconfigure them so as to make coherent sense, encourage world peace, foster respect for law and serve the public interest… but naaah, there ain’t that much RAM available in the world…
The problem has never been Trump and his tweets. Nope. The problem has been with his loyal opposition never bothering to fully update to new expectations and new technology. It is obvious to all, that email, tweets, social media, mass fun gatherings, and a nation run by the model of reality TV is in. While print media, talking heads — that pretend to do our thinking for us, and elite specialists of most any sort are out. Its evolution of sorts, adapt or get left behind. Also, “read the rules”. Its not enough to gather mass numbers of voters. To win — drum roll here — you need electoral collage votes. So … resolve never again to simply fly over the fly over states. Because that’s the best chance to get [those] kind of votes.
An even better idea: Abolish the Electoral College, a relic of the days when the post-horse was the fastest means of communication, and the sparsely-populated South had to be placated with extra influence because slaves in the south were only counted as three-fifths of a person. Instead, go to direct elections. After enough states have adopted direct election, the College will automatically become ancient history. And deservedly so.
And then have all of our nationally elected politicians chosen by the population mega-centers of the coasts? Pass. The electoral college is doing exactly what it was designed to do and that right well. Of course, you could always change the constitution. (Good luck with getting enough “fly over” states to go along.)
Really??? So you’re coming out against Majority Rule in elections? That’s sounds a bit unAmerican… I mean, isn’t that what democracy is supposed to be all about? Would you score a football game by saying, “We just won’t count that touchdown because that could prejudice the ability of the other team to win”… How well do you think that would go over with the fans?? But perhaps you have your own definition of democracy which doesn’t include fair play or actually counting up the votes to see what the majority of Americans want?
Yeah really. Ever heard of the “tyranny of the majority”? We don’t have a direct democracy we have a federal representative republic and it runs by rules one of which is the electoral college which was specifically included in the constitution to prevent the above from happening. Jim Crow was the law of the land in the bad old south and the majority of the population there was just fine with it. Did that make it okay? Sometimes our election results are hard for some folks to swallow but by and large our system seems to work pretty well. Hamilton and Jefferson knew what they were doing – leave it alone.
“Tyranny of the majority”? You seem to be deliberately obfuscating – the so called, “tyranny of the majority” is not typically an issue with electing officials to public office, but rather to the passing of laws unfair to a minority…
Actually the GOP is very Pro “tyranny of the majority” (when they can get away with it), passing laws that disenfranchise minorities, people of color, gays, women’s rights, or most anyone who doesn’t fit into their narrow viewpoint!
I realize that the electoral college is the “Law”, but not all laws are for the good – in this case it came out of a ill-considered compromise that had unexpected results – that is, the ability to elect the losing candidate – which was never the electoral college’s original intent!
As for Jim Crow, There is no polite way to say this, but it Never went away, anymore than the Clan did… Jim Crow just switched parties from the old Dixiecrats and is doing just fine in the GOP! If you actually want fair elections, remove GOP gerrymandering and cease VOTER SUPPRESSION, the GOP policy of the removal of people of color from the Voting registrations… We’re talking legally registered citizens who are removed without their knowledge, that is, until they show up at the poles and find that they’re no longer registered, because their name may be similar to someone else’s… And somehow this only happens to people of color in “Red” states…
But none of that is going to happen is it? And in any case, I doubt that you’re really concerned with fairness in elections – your remarks make that fairly obvious…
You do know that “majority” is a flexible term? Both the east and west cost of America — that technically gave Hillary a [majority], by a little (maybe 3 million votes) — is changing by the moment.
Ignore the talking heads on TV, they don’t count, and the TV demographics suggest few of us pay them any interest. Trump’s condemnation of “the lying media” really is effective as he gestures to cameras at political gatherings is remarkably effective.
What counts is jobs and pay checks. Many in the next election on both the east and west costs will vote their pocket books. [My point about flexibility of (assumed) majorities.]
And change the Constitution if you want, But any change needs at least a few fly over people to sign on to it.
Cut back on the caffeine and get more sleep.
How Droll… But y’know, when you take an indefensible position, a lame joke doesn’t excuse it…
Getting away from parlor-tricks for a moment… I suppose somebody has noticed the cover of the comic book Bunz is reading in panel 1? Ah yes, “The Bat Temp”… those DC folks don’t miss a possible breakout storyline… And that Bunz herself is reading the first issue so attentively would indicate a charming level of girlish vanity… an endearing trait that is almost, dare we say it, human?