Hokey Smokes! Have Bunz & Katz narrowly avoided Calamity only to take a U-Turn towards Catastrophe?!?
It seems with a new month, our tale of Internet Ineptitude continues – from Tweeky Tweets, now to Financial FlimFlam… It does seem that one can find most anything on the net, though Gullible Dupes are apparently the most common commodity…
OMG Boris and Natasha! Here on our very own Bunz & Katz comic strip? Wait a minute. One of them could be Boris but that would make the other one way to stout to be Natasha…as well as not nearly tall enough. So these are a couple of other beschestnyy nogoodnicks from Mother Russia. Identity thief hackers no less. Lowest of the low. This can’t be good.
Bunz shops out of Goodwill drop boxes? Brilliant! Never going to be any shortage of “derelicte” fashions there. Kept the inlines – nice.
Indeed, finally is answered the all-engrossing fashion conundrum of where Bunz gets her spiffy, edgy street outfits… but at least she doesn’t “shop” at Ivanka’s, or the Dumpster behind St. Vinnie’s…
Hokey Smokes! Have Bunz & Katz narrowly avoided Calamity only to take a U-Turn towards Catastrophe?!?
It seems with a new month, our tale of Internet Ineptitude continues – from Tweeky Tweets, now to Financial FlimFlam… It does seem that one can find most anything on the net, though Gullible Dupes are apparently the most common commodity…
OMG Boris and Natasha! Here on our very own Bunz & Katz comic strip? Wait a minute. One of them could be Boris but that would make the other one way to stout to be Natasha…as well as not nearly tall enough. So these are a couple of other beschestnyy nogoodnicks from Mother Russia. Identity thief hackers no less. Lowest of the low. This can’t be good.
Bunz shops out of Goodwill drop boxes? Brilliant! Never going to be any shortage of “derelicte” fashions there. Kept the inlines – nice.
Indeed, finally is answered the all-engrossing fashion conundrum of where Bunz gets her spiffy, edgy street outfits… but at least she doesn’t “shop” at Ivanka’s, or the Dumpster behind St. Vinnie’s…
I once worked with a guy who spoke exactly like Boris Badinov. He’d never heard of Rocky and Bullwinkle.