This Monday is Columbus Day, which marks the beginning of the rape and destruction of the New World cultures… And so this weekend the Senate celebrated this inauspicious historical event, by confirming an accused rapist to the Supreme Court of the United States… Myself, I see this as a potentially positive move for the GOP – after all, despite their long history of unfair, repressive legislation against minorities like People of Color, Gays, Muslims, Women – or anyone not white or with an IQ greater than that of your average groundhog… Now the GOP has firmly taken a stand to support one of the most repressed and reviled minorities… Yes, the GOP has demonstrated their concern and support for all the rich, entitled frat-boy rapists – they need no longer be ashamed of their execrable behavior but can hold their heads up proud, with the assurance that any woman who asks for justice will instead be ridiculed and threatened – and then ignored!
So today, I feel that we should all salute the GOP’s brave stand for the rights of the privileged and depraved… and perhaps be just a bit nauseated as well…
Ah, so the Nogoodnix haven’t gotten lost in the netherworld of Golem City… or run over by a bus… Although their presence here begs the question, are they still just snooping around in general, or have they finally realized that Bunz & Katz are the “Kat an’ Booney” targets of their nefarious mission? Their general level of incompetence seems to argue against that… In fact, it has been seriously suggested that they are the infamous Boris Badnov and Natasha Fatale in disguise… which also seems unlikely, unless Boris has been equipped with some really serious elevator shoes… besides, they’d both be much too old for spy duty by now… One other possibility is these are the evil offspring of Boris and Natasha… an unsettling thought, with brings forth the following vision…
The Courtship of Boris Badenov
Just after some particularly nefarious escapade:
Natasha Fatale: “Boris, you are vun sneaky schnook!”
Boris Badenov: (simpering complacently) “Aw, you chust saying that because it true!”
Natasha: No, you vun devious, nasty, wiolent, nefarious, naughty nogoodnik…!”
Boris: (smirking) “Is true, is all true…”
Natasha: “…And I LIKING dot in a man! Boris, dollink, lat’s gattink married!”
Boris: (scowling) “Married? SHARROP YOU MOUTH! Marryink is dorty romantik plot, making happy endinks and odder nonsense…”
Natasha: “What you sayink NOW, dollink?”
Boris: “Owww!… dorty katitalist plot by florist an’ rice seller…”
This Monday is Columbus Day, which marks the beginning of the rape and destruction of the New World cultures… And so this weekend the Senate celebrated this inauspicious historical event, by confirming an accused rapist to the Supreme Court of the United States… Myself, I see this as a potentially positive move for the GOP – after all, despite their long history of unfair, repressive legislation against minorities like People of Color, Gays, Muslims, Women – or anyone not white or with an IQ greater than that of your average groundhog… Now the GOP has firmly taken a stand to support one of the most repressed and reviled minorities… Yes, the GOP has demonstrated their concern and support for all the rich, entitled frat-boy rapists – they need no longer be ashamed of their execrable behavior but can hold their heads up proud, with the assurance that any woman who asks for justice will instead be ridiculed and threatened – and then ignored!
So today, I feel that we should all salute the GOP’s brave stand for the rights of the privileged and depraved… and perhaps be just a bit nauseated as well…
Ah, so the Nogoodnix haven’t gotten lost in the netherworld of Golem City… or run over by a bus… Although their presence here begs the question, are they still just snooping around in general, or have they finally realized that Bunz & Katz are the “Kat an’ Booney” targets of their nefarious mission? Their general level of incompetence seems to argue against that… In fact, it has been seriously suggested that they are the infamous Boris Badnov and Natasha Fatale in disguise… which also seems unlikely, unless Boris has been equipped with some really serious elevator shoes… besides, they’d both be much too old for spy duty by now… One other possibility is these are the evil offspring of Boris and Natasha… an unsettling thought, with brings forth the following vision…
Just after some particularly nefarious escapade:
Natasha Fatale: “Boris, you are vun sneaky schnook!”
Boris Badenov: (simpering complacently) “Aw, you chust saying that because it true!”
Natasha: No, you vun devious, nasty, wiolent, nefarious, naughty nogoodnik…!”
Boris: (smirking) “Is true, is all true…”
Natasha: “…And I LIKING dot in a man! Boris, dollink, lat’s gattink married!”
Boris: (scowling) “Married? SHARROP YOU MOUTH! Marryink is dorty romantik plot, making happy endinks and odder nonsense…”
Natasha: “What you sayink NOW, dollink?”
Boris: “Owww!… dorty katitalist plot by florist an’ rice seller…”
Natasha: “So what you sayink NOW, dollink?”
Boris: “Owww! ..resultink in bratty kits wit’ stinky diapers an’ sticky jelly fingers…”
Boris: “Owww! …Say, dollink, honeybuns, sweetikins, leedle garlic blossom, I chust got sudden a idea… Lat’s gatting married!”
Natasha: (smiling as she tucks away her braided leather sap) “Oh, Boris dollink! I all over surprise… Why so sudden this romantical proposink?”
Boris: “It vos chust a idea what sudden struck me… Like a moofing van… (Hoboy!)” (removes hat, feels of rising lumps on his bald spot).