Have you ever paused to wonder, “Whence came this mysterious alien Supersize Girl, endowed with incredible powers far beyond that of your Um… average hamster… Could she be a strange refugee from an exploding Planet?” …or is that all jus’ “Fake News?” Ahh… you should know by now, that If you expect this page to enlighten you – you’re obviously reading the wrong comix!
Or should you prefer to view the page minus it’s ersatz old style halftone coloring, just right-click and choose “View Image” to open it full size in a new browser window…
Huh, Whaaat? Waidaminnut, does this mean…? No, wait… obviously this is only a fantasy in Katz’s fevered imagination, stimulated no doubt by his ravenous appetite for old comic books… which can be attested by his encounter with Sailor Bob, ‘way back in November 2013…
Have you ever paused to wonder, “Whence came this mysterious alien Supersize Girl, endowed with incredible powers far beyond that of your Um… average hamster… Could she be a strange refugee from an exploding Planet?” …or is that all jus’ “Fake News?” Ahh… you should know by now, that If you expect this page to enlighten you – you’re obviously reading the wrong comix!
Or should you prefer to view the page minus it’s ersatz old style halftone coloring, just right-click and choose “View Image” to open it full size in a new browser window…
Huh, Whaaat? Waidaminnut, does this mean…? No, wait… obviously this is only a fantasy in Katz’s fevered imagination, stimulated no doubt by his ravenous appetite for old comic books… which can be attested by his encounter with Sailor Bob, ‘way back in November 2013…
Flipping them with his tongue! That’s brilliant!
One advantage of being a quasi-metallic henchbot..
Wait a minute, did Bunz change her Super Costume from what it was earlier??